Sproutlings News – March 5, 2018
We hope that many of our families had their power restored this weekend. Please let us know if we can help in any way. We have been thinking of you all!
-A friendly reminder to please stay with your children during drop off and pick up. Children can never be left unattended in the building. This is a state mandate.
-Any time your child receives new vaccines, please request an updated vaccination report from your pediatrician to give to Kerry in the office. A new Universal Health form is required after each yearly physical. Copies are available in the lobby.
-We are taking gently used books for our classrooms. If interested, contact Kerry!
We managed to keep busy during this shortened week. We love our music time and we also love listening to music. We sway back and forth to the music while we watch ourselves in the mirror. We’ve been playing with our new magnetic shaped animals and cars. They come in pieces and we have to put them together. A favorite time for us is looking at our books and being read to. Our book this week was Good Luck!A St. Patrick’s Day Story and our song was “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.”
We’ve had a short week due to the snowstorm but it was a fun one! We had a great time working on our fine motor skills by making shamrocks using toilet paper rolls and green paint. The Seedlings had fun stamping them all over their paper and looking at their finished product. We are very proud of all our artwork. Come see it on our walls! During circle time, we have been learning to count in English and Spanish. We love singing “I’m bringing home a Baby Bumblebee” and following the hand motions. This week we read I Want My Hat Back by Jon Klassen.
Little Sprouts
Little Sprouts learned all about the zoo this week! We read Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You See by Eric Carle and sang songs about animals. For art, we used paintbrushes with black paint and white paper to create the stripes on a zebra. We also created a lion using construction paper! We enjoyed reading our new books this week and working on our fine motor skills. As always, we had a blast learning new songs with Miss Alexis from Elefante Music and Miss Robin!
This week in Beanstalks we continued our discussion of pets and introduced the new letter of the week which was W. We sorted items for our W tub and thought of words that began with the letter W. In art, we used watercolor to paint W’s. We also practiced tracing and coloring which helps develop our fine motor skills. In science we explored x-ray pictures of animals and matched the X-rays to the animals. Our friends really enjoyed seeing what a dog and cat looked like in an X-ray! Next week we will continue our discussion of pets and also introduce the letter X. Keep warm!
Pre K 3
This week in PreK3 we continued our study on Pets. We learned how to take care of pets. We learned pets need love, food, grooming, water, and exercise. In math we measured how many dog bones tall we were. The kids had a blast taking turns measuring each other. We looked at our chart and saw that some of us were the same height in dog bones! In literacy we introduced the letter W and it’s phonemic sound. We thought of words that began with W and sorted objects that belonged in the W tub. We read the story What Pet Should We Get?,Hedgehuge, and Meet the Pets. We also built pet words with letters. Next week we will introduce the letter X and learn about St. Patrick’s Day. Hope you have a great weekend!!
Pre K 4
This week was all about about weather, not just the snow and wind that kept us home but the start of our new study. We discussed what we already know and what we would like to learn. We wrote about our favorite type of weather. We read It Looked like Spilt Milk and learned the different kinds of clouds. We read Rain, Rain, Go Away and wrote our own version about snow. Next week we will explore the question, “Why does it rain?”
Early Education Articles and Resources for Families:
Social and Emotional Development
*Printed copies of the weekly articles are available upon request