Little Sprouts (Older Toddlers)
Ages 24 - 36 months
Our Little Sprouts group provides a perfect setting for toddlers transitioning into preschoolers by encompassing both the security and nurturing of a toddler environment with a challenging and stimulating educational classroom. The classroom is arranged into Learning Centers, similar to our pre k classrooms but with extra room for physical play, toddler toys and safe, age-appropriate equipment. Please read about our Learning Centers here.
Community Learning
Little Sprouts have mastered walking and have acquired the fine and large motor skills to fully explore their environment. Sproutlings places an emphasis on community, and older toddlers are ready to contribute to the community of their classroom by showing empathy for a friend, sharing toys more readily, and by helping to keep their classroom clean and in order. Thanks to these enhanced skills, teachers are able to provide more materials, which result in a classroom full of engaging items and educational toys.

Creativity Encouraged
As typical of our classrooms, the Little Sprouts group encourages creativity and open-ended exploration. Through use of The Creative Curriculum® your own Little Sprout will fully engage in learning around a subject of interest to toddlers. The Little Sprouts explore basic themes as well as celebrate holidays. Children work towards developmentally appropriate objectives introduced during the daily routines and experiences. The Creative Curriculum® uses familiar situations and experiences to promote growth in nine areas of development and learning.
Themes and Chasing Imagination
During an exploration of trains, for instance, children might read stories about trains, create a pretend train and/or station in their dramatic play area, create complex train tracks in the block center, paint a giant train at the art center, and explore the letter “T.” Sproutlings teachers will introduce songs about trains and, for those children who are ready, provide information about different types of trains and their uses. Each child can access the theme at his or her developmental level. Teachers can extend the information provided for children who need extra challenges or who are particularly interested in a particular topic.

Skill Development
In the Little Sprouts classroom we are building on the skills introduced in the Seedlings group and extending them. Some of the skills Little Sprouts are focusing on include:
- Social-emotional skills: Imaginative play skills, role playing, problem-solving, cooperation, communication and language skills, empathy, taking turns, friendships
- Language and communication skills: 2-step instructions, conversations, storytelling
- Fine motor skills: Using crayons and pencils, learning to cut paper, copying patterns and shapes
- Math concepts: Understanding number concept (how many is 2?), introduction to numbers through 10; sorting, patterning
- Science concepts: Colors, seasons, weather, categorizing plants and animals
- Literacy concepts: The alphabet, holding and “reading” a book, rhyming and repetition
- Music: Using instruments and following rhythm
- Large Motor skills: Climbing and running, upper body strength
Community and Environment
At Sproutlings, we believe an important focus is helping children learn to be environmentally conscious and to care for the world they live in. As part of that focus, we introduce even our youngest students to the basic concepts of recycling, re-using materials and conservation. Little Sprouts recycle containers, participate in gardening in our playground, and see everyday items re-used in their classroom in creative ways. The Little Sprouts also have the opportunity to help care for plants in our mini-garden!
Little Sprouts are gaining independence skills quickly; most older toddlers can put on their own coats and shoes and can feed themselves. Sproutlings staff members are nurturing and always provide assistance when children are in need. Teachers are aware of children’s different levels of development and gently encourage children to gain new self-help skills, while providing assistance until children are fully capable of accomplishing a task independently. The joy of your child doing something by and for him or herself for the first time is wonderful to see!
Broadening Horizons
Children in our Little Sprouts classrooms are exposed to diversity, which allows them to appreciate different cultures, new foods, and learning about different customs from all over the world.
Little Sprouts enjoy daily outside activities (weather permitting). Read more about our Outdoor Learning Environment here. They also participate on our music and gym classes.

Structured Days
Little Sprouts begin their day with a structured Circle Time, where new literacy skills are introduced through songs and stories. Little Sprouts also participate in discussion over classroom activities, special events and personal experiences. Small group activities include art projects, collaborative work, creation of class storybooks, and problem-solving activities. These small group times allow teachers to work more individually.
Graduating Little Sprouts
Children in Little Sprouts can bring their own, nut-free lunch, or order meals (click here for more information). Little Sprouts make the transition to Beanstalks, our early preschool class, when they are between 30 and 36 months of age. Sproutlings staff will work with you to determine the best timing for your child’s move. The Little Sprouts class is a full day class.