Saplings (3.5 years +) and PreK 4 (4 years +)
Our PreK classrooms are set up in Learning Centers. Through The Creative Curriculum®, your preschooler will dive into learning with enthusiasm as our educators engage him or her in topics relevant to the age group. While exploring, creating and playing, our preschoolers gain the academic skills they will need for Kindergarten while at the same time developing a life-long love of learning.
Individualized Instruction
Sproutlings staff members recognize that children develop at different levels, so our Preschool curriculum allows for individual differences – one child may be ready for early reading skills while another is still mastering the alphabet. We individualize instruction to make sure your child and every child is engaged and challenged and building on his or her skills during the year. Every child leaves the classroom well prepared for school success.

The Creative Curriculum® revolves around studies of topics that are relevant to preschool children. Children explore each study in depth, within learning centers, in hands-on activities and open-ended discussions. Much of the day is spent in child-selected activities, set up to promote specific skills and challenges. Studies are selected based on children’s interest to keep their attention. Studies can last for a month or just one week, depending on the students’ interests.
Time for Independence
We prepare your Preschooler for Kindergarten by making sure he or she can be completely independent in self-care routines. We work on making sure our students can use the bathroom, button or zip pants and jackets, and putting on shoes themselves. We help them understand how to be responsible for their belongings and how to keep track of their personal items within the classroom. We make sure they can unpack their lunch, open containers and ask for help when needed. These self-help skills are important as Preschoolers move on to Kindergarten.

Skill Development
- Social-emotional: Problem-solving, developing a classroom community, developing empathy, trust, relationships with peers, building self-esteem, respect and compassion
- Language and communication: Following 3-step instructions, early writing, alphabet letter recognition and formation, early reading skills (sight words, common phrases), name writing
- Fine motor skills: Correct pencil grasp and scissor use, painting and drawing techniques
- Math concepts: Reinforcement of numbers through 10, patterns, sorting, simple addition and subtraction concepts, understanding relative size, number recognition and formation
- Science concepts: Colors, seasons, weather, healthy eating, simple experiments with colors, scales, weight and exploration of environmentally conscious practices
- Music: Using instruments and following rhythm, creating new songs, coordinating movement and music
- Large Motor skills: Developing upper body strength, early sports skills (soccer and baseball)
Environmentally Aware
In our PreK classes, we continue to foster a sense of community, both within our classroom and with the world outside our doors. Our PreK curriculum builds on the foundation of environmental awareness that has been fostered in our younger classroom by challenging the children to look for new ways to care for their environment. Children learn about recycling, conservation and have the opportunity to observe nature and plant life in our playground.
Cultural Experience
We help grow environmentally conscious children who have an understanding of other cultures and appreciate differences in people and communities. We not only expose children to other cultures, but let them experience as much as possible by tasting new foods, welcoming visitors to the classroom for special presentations, and practicing different customs within our classroom community.
Daily Routines
The Prekindergarten classrooms participates in outside instructional activities (gym, music and special programs), and daily outside time in our outdoor playground (weather-permitting). Preschoolers go on a few field trips during the year to attractions such as a farm visit, zoo and/or local museums.
Children can bring their own, nut-free lunch, or order meals (click here for more information).
PreK students typically spend two years in this program until they are ready for Kindergarten.