Seedlings (Young Toddlers)
Ages 18 - 26 months
Our Seedlings are our young toddlers, ranging in age from 12 to 28 months of age. The Seedlings classroom offers the comfort and safety needed for this age group, while providing your child with a wide variety of learning experiences through use of The Creative Curriculum®. The Seedlings room is set up with Learning Centers, just like in our pre k classrooms. These Learning Centers allow the children many opportunities for free choice of activities during the day.
Cooperation & Learning
It is within the nurturing structure of the classroom where Seedlings learn cooperation, problem solving and independent skills. While the children learn to work together and function as part of a group, Seedlings teachers encourage their creativity and help inspire a love of learning. Learning Centers give children the ability to develop skills at their own pace and in the context of their own interests. You can read more about Learning Centers here.
Group Activities
Seedlings engage in whole-group activities such as a brief Morning Circle time and daily music time where new language skills are introduced through songs and stories. It is within these group activities that a sense of community is fostered.
Encouraging Independence
As with all the Sproutlings classrooms, a sense of independence for your child is a goal. At this age, self-help skills are just emerging. Seedlings are encouraged to put away their own toys, to feed themselves and to help clean up.
Weather permitting, we enjoy daily outside play with the Seedlings in our beautiful park/playground. Please read more about our Outdoor Learning Environment here.
Skill Development
Included below are just some of the key skills being developed in different parts of our room:
- Social-emotional skills: Imaginative play skills, role playing, problem-solving, sharing and cooperation.
- Language and Communication skills: Following two-step instructions, adding vocabulary, learning to ask for help
- Fine motor skills: Holding a crayon or paint brush, using glue, lacing beads.
- Math concepts: Introduction to simple shapes, numbers through 5, and sorting
- Science concepts: Colors, concepts (such as floating and sinking), naming body parts
- Literacy concepts: The alphabet, listening to stories, rhyming and repetition
- Music: Simple instruments and rhythm
- Large Motor skills: Jumping, running, throwing a ball overhand
From Infants to Toddlers
While Seedlings are developing quickly from young infants into more independent toddlers, we recognize parents often have choices to make about when and how to move from bottles to cups, and transitioning out of the use of pacifiers and baby food, etc. Sproutlings believes these are your choices to make as a parent. We do not have rules about the use of any baby items. Sproutlings staff will support you in making the right choice for your child about giving up these items at the appropriate time.
Daily Reports
The Seedlings class maintains a small class size and low teacher-to-child ratio to ensure children are getting the highest quality of care and plenty of one-to-one attention. Your child will have the benefit of a primary caregiver, a member of the staff who is an expert in your child’s needs, routines, and strengths; however, all classroom staff members will be familiar with every child to provide continuity of care.
During the day you will receive updates about your child’s day including pictures, information about diaper changes, feedings and naps through an app called Brightwheel. We know how important it is for you to have open communication with your child’s caregiver. Brightwheel provides the opportunity for you to have real-time information and provide notes to the staff as needed.
Moving on Up
Children in Seedlings can bring their own, nut-free lunch, or order meals (click here for more information).
Children aged from 21 months to 28 months may make a transition to the Little Sprouts group. Sproutlings staff will work with you to find the right time and age to move your child.