April News: Week of April 4
- Reminder: Sproutlings will be CLOSED on Friday April 15th for Good Friday.
Peapods I
The Peapod room has been very busy this week. We started painting our decorations all different colors to decorate our door. We love patting and squishing the paint onto our flowers and butterflies, they’re looking so colorful. We also brought out the tunnel again. Now we have two brave babies going through it. We’re getting there. One new baby each week! This week we have exciting news. We have a new “ walker”. Just a few steps but it’s a start! Ms. Lu read The Butterfly by Anna Melbourne and Cathy Shimmermen. Ms. Laura and Ms. Melissa sang “Itsy Bitsy Spider.”
Peapods II
Happy Friday! April is here! This week we colored a big Easter egg! We added so many colors with our favorite jumbo crayons. We also created our own Easter box! It wasn’t a basket but we can pretend it is. Next week we are going to rip up some tissue paper and put it in the box and our teachers are going to put in some “eggs” so we can play with them! Today we are decorating our own bunny, make sure to look out for them on our windows next week! As always we listened to some really great stories and danced around in so many bubbles. Our favorite song this week was “Chuga Chuga Choo Choo!”
What a rainy week we had but we made the most of it! The Seedlings spent a lot of time coloring flowers and thinking of spring! We can’t not wait to see all the flowers in person.
When it wasn’t raining, we had tons of fun going outside to our playground. We jumped off of mushrooms, counting down to three and going down the slide, and running around with Miss Emmy and Miss Paige. Running and trying to catch Miss Emmy and Miss Paige was super fun!!
During circle time, we read Llama Llama Misses Mama by Anna Dewdney and we sang “Rain Rain go away”.
Little Sprouts
We had the perfect week for our rain theme! We had so much fun with our rain cloud project where we glued rain drops to create our own little storms! Our favorite book this week was Storm is Coming! By Heather Tekavec. While being inside a lot this week, we had so much fun making our own tent party!
This week in Beanstalks we continued talking about Spring but this time focusing on flowers, different type of flowers, how they grow and what they need to grow . We made some Hydrangeneas using a bottle cap , assembled a Sunflower, made Tulips using a fork and Daisies by using a recycled water bottled to stamp. During circle time, we focused on our numbers, colors and letters. We sang our days of the week, circle time, numbers rock and ABC songs. We also read Gus Grows a Plant, Flowers, The Tiny Seed and What did the Bunny see? We played our sensory bin and found some insects and we looked closely at them with magnifying glass. We began Stretch and Grow on Monday and we really enjoy it!!!
Beanstalks II
Beanstalks II started the week with Stretch and Grow where we learn to work our muscles out by exercising.
We also started our Recycle, Reduce and Reuse study.
Thank you to everyone who brought in items to recycle and make into wonderful creations.
We discussed items that could be Recycled and sorted the items into different bins. We used old crumpled up paper to paint beautiful pictures. We also used sponges that are cut into different shapes to paint. Beanstalks II played with Play-dough and the children also hunted around the room for garbage and items to recycle and put into the correct bin.
Our books for the week were The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munich and Don’t lose It Reuse It! By Nancy Noel Williams.
This week, Saplings have started learning all about recycling! We discussed what makes something trash and what kind of items can be recycled. We have started becoming more aware of items that we can recycle during the day too! We practiced spelling our names with recycled bottle caps and we reused plastic bottles to make beautiful flower paintings. We also enjoyed working on our 1:1 correspondence by rolling a die and creating a tower of that size. We read Recycling Day by Edward Miller, Trash Into Treasure by Bethany Freitas, and Emeraldlicious by Victoria Kann. Next week, we will learn where our trash and recycling goes. Have a great weekend!
Pre K 3
PreK-3 started a new study this week! We explored all about Recycling! We read The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munch and Why Should I Recycle by Jen Green. We learned what can be recycled and what people grow away. We also talked a little about why we should recycle. We went on a newspaper letter hunt! Practice tracing our names and drawing our April self portrait! Our tracing skills are improving! We worked on our fine motor skills by ripping green and blue paper! We took the ripped paper and made the Earth! We can’t wait to investigate more about recycling!
Pre K 4
In Pre k 4 this week we concluded our investigation into pets. We discussed which types of animals would make good pets and which types do not. The children also learned the many ways in which pets need care and how to be responsible pet owners. We read many stories this week about pets, the children really enjoyed The Day Jimmy’s Boa Ate the Wash by Trinka Hakes Noble and I Wanna Iguana by Karen Kaufman Orloff.
We worked on graphing sorting goldfish crackers by color, and learning to understand how many more and how many less and we practiced writing numbers by filling in the missing ones and then putting the numbers into sequential order.
This weeks journal and writing prompts had the children pondering why giraffes do not make a good pets and what would happen if we brought our pet skunk to school. We completed our HWT workbook, the children learned to correctly form letters of the the upper and lowercase alphabet as well as numbers. We will continue to review throughout the rest of the year, refining the ones that were more difficult. As we continue to advance the children towards reading, introductions to sight words will begin next week.