March News: Week of March 7
Peapods I
There was a lot of excitement in the Peapod room this week. A little furniture rearranging and we have a new and fun way to get around our room. We love to crawl through the open shelf and go all around until we come all the way back to where we started. We love to chase/follow one another all around. We were also introduced to a crawl through tunnel. We’re not too sure about it yet. Hopefully in a few days we’ll find out how much fun we can have going through it. Ms. Lu read Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing By Judi Barrett. Ms. Laura and Ms. Melissa sang a silly favorite song called “The Ice Cream Song.”
Peapods II
Happy Friday! We had so much fun this week with all our stories. We named so many things that are the color green. Some of us are trying really hard to say the word “green”. We are not quite there yet but our teachers are very proud of us for trying. We got to use our dot markers again and colored a picture of a shamrock. This week we also got new toys for the classroom. They are so colorful and so much fun to play with. Thank you Ms. Kerry! Our favorite song this week was “The Ants Go Marching”. Our teachers march around the room with us and help those that can’t walk march too. It’s so much fun! Have a great weekend everyone!
We had a fantastic week in the Seedlings room! We were able to enjoy all the seasons this week. We a sneak peek at Spring this Monday then watched it snow on Wednesday! We loved watching the snow fall through our windows.
We used our dot art markers for our art projects. We used them on a picture of a pot full gold coins! We identified the colors that used and we’re so great at it! We also had fun coloring a leprechaun and putting stickers on our huge piece of brown paper that’s on our wall. It’s fun to keep decorating our wall with new projects.
During circle time, we read Llama Llama Red Pajama by Anna Dewdney and sang “I’m a little Leprechaun.” We love the Llama Llama series and can’t get enough of those books. We like to finish the words before the teacher can read them!
We’re super excited about our St. Patrick’s Day party next week!
Little Sprouts
We had so much fun in Little Sprouts this week exploring the rainbow! We did a fun science experiment to see how the colors in the rainbow blended as we put them into water. We also made rainbow handprints for the windows in our classroom! We got creative and made our own rainbows with colored pencils! We practiced our colors during circle time, and each day we named items in the classroom that matched the colors in the rainbow! Our favorite song to dance to this week was “Rainbow, Rainbow” by the Mother Goose club. .
This week in Beanstalks we talked about the letter Vv. We sang our circle time songs, found items around the classroom that are the rainbow colors. We also started to learn about St Patrick’s Day. We read The Littlest Leprechaun , Curious George, St Patrick’s Day & Good Luck, St Patrick’s Day . We painted a rainbow and a pot of gold, and made a shamrock person, Our favorite activity incorporated science and art by coloring a shamrock using sizzling green paint. We also did a science experiment to discover items that sink or float. We had fun playing in our St Patrick’s day sensory bin.
Beanstalks II
Beanstalks II started our study on pets! We talked about which animals can be pets. We glued together a parrot, a snake and a hedgehog. Our room is full of animals. We practiced cutting, while making a path to our pets. We reviewed shapes by feeding rabbits their carrots. Beanstalks II were very excited to visit “Blue” the fish in Pre K3.
The books we read this week were What Pet to Get? by Emma Dodd, Going to Sleep on the Farm by Wendy Cheyette Lewiston, The Pets We Love by Teaching Strategies, and the favorite of the week: The Wide-Mouthed Frog by Keith Faulkner.
Saplings learned all about pets this week! We began our study on pets and we focused on what kind of animals can be pets. Many of us brought in pictures of our pets – they’re all so cute! Please send a picture of your pet if you have one. Most of us knew about cats and dogs, but we also learned that people have mice, bunnies, and even snakes as pets! We read Little Kids First Big Book of Pets from National Geographic Kids, The Great Gracie Chase: Stop that Dog! by Cynthia Rylant, and Melissa’s Octopus and Other Unsuitable Pets by Charlotte Voake. We started to get ready for Spring by decorating our door with shamrocks and rainbows and we made rainbow names and practiced writing or tracing our names. Saplings also played math games and worked on one-to-one correspondence. We especially liked rolling a die and “feeding” the dogs bones. Next week, we will focus on where pets live. Have a great weekend!
Pre K 3
This week Pre K 3 explored all about pets! We learned what animals can be pets and what animals are not pets. We read My Perfect Pet by Stuart Trotter and The Pets We Love. We helped our pet bunny find its carrots by matching shapes. We also feed our dog by rolling the die and giving the dog the corresponding number of bones. We made pet snakes while working on our AB patterns and cutting skills. Instead of using paint brushes we used feathers and created some beautiful paintings! It was a great week of learning in PreK-3. We are excited to learn about where pets live next week! Have a great weekend!
Pre K 4
This week in Pre K 4 the children learned about the weather. We talked about the job of a Meteorologist, graphed our favorite type of weather and answered weather related Questions of the Day. The children enjoyed books such as Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett and Worm Weather by Jean Taft.
Our HWT letters this week were the letters Pp and Rr. We continued learning to recognize our upper and lowercase letters by matching raindrop shaped cards. The children matched letters to their sound forming rainbows and matched rhyming words picture cards to form tornados.
This week the children continued recognizing number 1-20 by using weather themed clip cards. We used sunbeams to learn patterns and ten frames to count quantities and understand how many more and less than.
Next week the children can look forward to St. Patrick’s Day and Spring activities.