October News: Week of October 4
- A reminder of the State Mandated Sick Policy:
- A child needs a negative Covid test to return to childcare if they have 2 or more of the following: Fever, Chills, Shivers, Muscle Aches, Headache, Sore Throat, Nausea/Vomiting, Diarrhea, Fatigue, Congestion/Runny Nose OR at least 1 of the following: Cough, Shortness of Breath, Difficulty Breathing, New Loss of Taste or Smell.
- We are currently accepting rapid tests for symptomatic children if your child’s doctor does not think a PCR test is necessary to rule out Covid.
- If your child is awaiting the results of a test, they may not return to Sproutlings until the test results are in.
- Children with a persistent cough should not be sent to school until they are tested and their negative results are submitted to Sproutlings. Tests are widely available and results are coming back quickly. Please do not send your child to school with a cough unless you have submitted the negative results (rapid or PCR) to the office.
- Please email your child’s negative test to the office (sproutlings.info@gmail.com) and notify teachers via Brightwheel that your Covid test has been submitted.
- All children ages 6 months and older are required to get their annual flu shot no later than December 30th. Please submit proof of receipt to the office as soon as your child receives their vaccine.
- We will hold our annual Halloween parade on Friday, October 29th at 9:30 AM, weather permitting. Parents are invited to watch as our children show off their costumes and parade around the Sproutlings parking lot. More information regarding logistics will go out closer to the date. We will take lots of photos and videos for those who cannot attend.For Halloween costumes, please keep the following in mind:
- Please limit costumes to something that can be worn to school in the morning and that children will be comfortable in. Children can be changed from their costumes after the parade if parents provide an alternative outfit. **Costumes that can be worn over regular clothes are preferred!**
- Please leave all accessories at home as it is difficult to keep track of them and we do not want them misplaced. Hats are ok.
- A friendly reminder that there is still a travel quarantine for children who leave our immediate region. Your child may return to Sproutlings on day 7 of quarantine after taking a negative PCR test on day 5. Children in the Kindergarten Wrap and After School program will follow the travel restrictions set by the school district.
Peapods I
This week in the Peapod room we are very excited. We have been enjoying our new stacking toys trying to stack our cups and fit our stacking shapes onto one another. We continue to practice our “signing.” Some of us are very good at signing “all done” and we are now working on “thank you.” Ms. Laura and Ms. Melissa sang “The Wheels On The Bus” to us. We also listened to “Baby Shark” and some were bopping to the song. Ms Lu read Duck & Goose by Tad Hills.
Peapods II
It was a great week in Peapod II! We added brown paper to our sensory bin and pretended it was hay to make scarecrows! We liked to feel the crunchy texture in our hands. We love using the classroom instruments to make music. We especially love the baby piano. We ended the week with a fun sensory experience. We played with red and orange Jello in honor of Fire Prevention week! Some of us really enjoyed squishing it between our fingers and other friends didn’t know what to make of it!
Have a great weekend!
What fun we had in the Seedlings room! We learned about Fire Safety and how important it is to learn what to do in certain situations. We also painted a fire truck and we can’t get enough of fire trucks! The Seedlings even tried to imitate the siren. That was a lot of fun and loud!
We put hay in our sensory bin. It was exciting to learn that’s what scarecrows are made of! It was a lot of fun being able to touch and explore. We painted our orange pumpkins and we are thrilled to decorate our room for SPOOKY SEASON! We have been preparing how to say “Boo!” and “Trick or Trick!”
During Circle Time, we sang “5 Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate. “ and read The Grumpy Monkey by Suzanna Lang
Little Sprouts
This week in Little Sprouts we explored fire prevention week! We learned all about firefighters and how they help keep us safe! We built a fire in our sensory bin and had dramatic play practicing to put the fire out! We also worked on our matching and did a fun clothing matching activity! Our book of the week was “Five Little Firefighters” by Tim Graham.
This week in Beanstalks we talked about Fire Safety. We learned how to STOP, Drop and Roll. We practiced how do it. We discussed what a firefighters job is. We learned that firefighters not only have firetrucks but also fire boats, airplanes, helicopters and even a fire chief car. The crafts we did in class were chief fire hats, paper fires , and fire trucks. We also made a Thank You card for our local fire department to remind them that they are our heroes and that we appreciate everything they do. We also thanked them for giving us junior firefighter hats.
The letter of the week we discussed was letter E and we learned that orange in Spanish is “Naranja.” We read a book about machines at work for a firefighter. We read Sparky the Firefighter, and The Little Firefighter. We did some music and our favorite was “Hurry, Hurry Drive a Fire Truck.”
We also got to celebrate a friend’s birthday this week! It was a fun week filled with lots of learning and spending time with our friends
Saplings (Miss Amanda and Miss Pam)
This week in the Saplings class we have been learning all about fire safety. We have talked about dialing 911 in an emergency and all about firefighters and fire trucks. We have had fun making a fire truck collage with shapes and playing a roll and count game to put spots on the fire dog. Some of our favorite books this week included The Little Fire Engine by Lois Lenski and I’m Brave by Kate and Jim McMullan. Next week we will begin our tree study by talking about Fall.
Pre K 3 (Miss Amelia and Miss Deanna)
It was Fire Safety week! We learned so much in PreK-3. At large group we learned when there’s an emergency you call 911 and they will get help. Also we learned what firefighters wear and the tools they use to put out a fire. With red, orange and yellow dot paint we painted flames. Using our fine motor skills we ripped paper and added them to make the number 911. Some stories we read were Firefighters by Jacqueline Gorman, I’m Brave by Kate McMullan and The Little Fire Engine by Lois Lenski.
Next week we will be kicking off our tree study!
Pre K 4
This week in honor of Fire Prevention week the children learned about fire safety and when to call 911. The children enjoyed listening to stories such as Pete the Cat Firefighter by James Dean and No Dragons for Tea by Jane E. Pendziwol. We answered questions of the day and wrote in our journals about fire safety.
We worked on letter and number recognition using clip cards to identify each. The children measured picture cards of fire fighter tools and we worked on patterns. Our HWT letters this week were M and N.
Next week the children can look forward to learning about squirrels!