September News: Week of August 23
- Please be sure to ask for an updated Universal Health Record at your child’s annual physical each year. We also require proof of vaccination when your child receives a new shot. Thank you for your assistance in making sure our records are in compliance with state guidelines.
- This was the last week of water play. Thanks for a great summer!
- We will no longer require home shoes and school shoes. If your child has not yet brought their school shoes home, they will go home next week.
- Beginning September 7th, our daycare hours will extend to 5:30.
- Reminder: we are CLOSED this upcoming Friday, September 3rd for a staff development day and the following Monday September 7th for Labor Day. For a printable list of all closures, please see our website.
- Congratulations to our Kindergarten teacher, Miss Hutson on the birth of her son!
- Congratulations to Mrs. Diane Galesi on her retirement. You will be missed!
Peapods I
So much has been happening in the Peapod room. We have been very busy developing our gross motor skills. Some of us are starting to pull themselves up to standing, others are getting ready to crawl. We also have a very good “roller” and two new “sitters”!
We continue to play with our water mat trying to grab the fish. We are also practicing our signing. Some of us can sign “all done” and we are learning “more.” Ms Lu read many books including our books of the week If You Give A Moose A Muffin by Laura Joffre Numeroff Pout-Pout Fish Goes to School by Deborah Diesen. Ms Alex and Ms Laura have been singing many songs including “The Days of the Week,” The ABC song and “The Itsy Bitsy Spider.”
Peapods II
Peapod II has been soaking in the last days of summer. We practiced our new sign, “water” and reinforced “more” and “please.” We enjoyed some time in the indoor playground exploring a new space. We loved singing “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” and “If You’re Happy and You Know It.”
What a fun week in Seedlings! We soaked up our last few days of water play! We have really enjoyed splashing around this summer. We especially enjoy using the pouring cups to transfer water from one cup to another. Some of our friends like to dump the water on their heads! Back in the classroom, we’ve been busy using our fine motor and gross motor skills to create beautiful art work. We love to put our artwork on display and admire our hard work. Today, we made a giant mural for the wall out of dot markers. As always, we enjoy a good bubble party at the end of a long day.
Little Sprouts
As August comes to an end, we are so excited to share what we have been doing! We practiced our letters and used confetti to trace our names! We also got into our painting skills to create the background for our new classroom door! Our favorite activity this week was experimenting with different objects to create different rain sounds. We mixed some up and made our own rain sticks! We have been practicing our listening skills by standing on our numbers and lining up to go outside! As September approaches, so does fall. All new discoveries to be made!
This week we learned all about farms. We discussed what a farmer’s job is and listed all of the animals that live on a farm. We’ve been busy making a sheep, a pig, a farmer, tractor, and chicken! We read Billy Goat Gruff , The Three Little Pigs, The Three Little Super Pigs, the Big Red Hen, and Farmer Duck. We sang our favorite Circle Time songs, “Days of the Week,” “Number Rock!” and the alphabet song. We played an alphabet game during circle time where we try to identify a letter by the corresponding picture. We are getting really good at recognizing our letters!
Pre K 3
We are finishing up our summer with a camping trip in Pre K 3. We had lots of fun getting messy when we used our fingers to paint the flames on a campfire. We created AB patterns by using marshmallows to stamp colored spots on paper. During our large group discussions we talked about what we could do when we go camping, how we might make S’mores and if we liked them or not. Some other fun activities included a number matching S’mores game and a tent color matching game. Our favorites books included 1,2,3 Make a S’more with me by Elizabeth Gauthier, Pete the Cat goes Camping by James Dean and S is for S’mores by Helen Foster James. Everyone enjoyed our last days of water play and we also tried some yoga with a camping theme.
Pre K 4
We have been very busy in Pre K 4 learning about fruits and vegetables and colors the last two weeks.
The children have been identifying uppercase letters by placing tokens on the correct letter that was called. They worked on recognizing the letters in their name by placing the letters in the correct order as well as recognizing their letters out of order.
The children counted watermelon seeds on clips cards, made patterns from fruits and vegetables and did number order puzzles. For our journals, the children wrote about what they would find at the end of a rainbow and answered the question “How do vegetables grow?”
The next few weeks we will do ice cream themed activities and literacy based activities.