September News: Week of September 19
Picture Day
Picture Day is scheduled for Monday, September 26th and Tuesday, September 27th. Portraits will be done by Lifetouch Photography. Once pictures are taken, parents will have the option to order prints or digital copies. Please see below for the schedule:
Monday, September 26:
- Peapods
- Peapods II
- Beanstalks
- Saplings/PreK 3 (Ms. Pam’s Room)
- Sibling Portraits
Tuesday, September 27:
- Seedlings
- Little Sprouts
- Pre K 3 (Ms. Amelia’s Room)
- Pre K 4 (both rooms)
Each child will have their photo taken with a fall themed back drop as well as a portrait.
For children with siblings in the center (excluding Kindergarten), we will try to get all sibling photos taken on Monday. Please dress both of your children accordingly.
Flu Vaccinations
Children who are 6-59mths of age and attend licensed child care or preschool facilities in New Jersey are required to have a flu vaccine by December 31st. Please send in vaccine records when your child has had their flu vaccine.
2023 Calendar
The Holiday closing dates for 2023 are now posted on the Sproutlings website. Please use the link below to view/print it.
Extending Hours
As from Monday October 3rd our hours will be 7am – 6pm
We are really making so much progress with our development. Some of us are now able to pull themselves up to standing, especially when we’re in our crib! We are also using our fine motor skills with our jar of caps. It’s lots of fun putting the caps into the slot.
Some of us were able to spend some time outside. It felt so good to be out in the sunshine.
Ms. Lu read a book introducing Fall to us called Mouse’s First Fall by Lauren Thompson. Ms. Laura and Ms. Emily sang some songs for us including “The Itsy Bitsy Spider.”
Peapods II
Peapods II have a very busy week. We had lots of fun playing in our Fall themed sensory table.
We loved checking out the Fall colored leaves together. We enjoyed playing together and building with our colored blocks. We spent some time outside when the weather allowed – we love the cooler Fall weather!!
The Seedlings had so much fun learning new things these past two weeks! We had fun painting our yellow school buses and two different kinds of Fall leaves.
We adore having the school buses on our walls and pointing out the ones we painted. But also, we love to hear the REAL school bus backup outside our classroom windows. We always run to the window to look at them.
The Seedlings had a great time making their leaves with red and yellow paint and seeing the beautiful colors!
We explored with our new foam puzzles and tried to connect them. They are very different from our traditional wooden ones. We were so impressed with ourselves when we were able to connect most of them together!
During circle time, we read Calling all Cars by Sue Fliess and Sarah Beliss and sang “The Wheels on The Bus”.
Also, we’d like to give Miss Ashlyn a lovely welcome to the Seedling’s room. We’re thrilled to have you with us!
Little Sprouts
This week Little Sprouts theme was All About Me! We had lots of fun singing songs and reading books. Our favorite song this week was “We are the Dinosaurs” by Laurie Berkner. We love all of her songs. Especially when we dance with scarfs to them! It was so much fun!
We were so happy to be able to run around outside and play on the mushrooms!! Next week we will be learning all about apples!
The Beanstalks have been learning about apples and Fall. We learned how many different kinds of apples there are and what colors they are. We also talked about how apples grow and where we can get apples.
As we enter Fall, we discussed what happens to the trees and how many different colors the leaves can be. We worked on our fine motor skills when we made paper apple cores, we also got messy when we painted an apple using only a marble, we loved to feel the paint on our fingers as we painted Fall trees!
We sang songs including “Apples and Bananas”, “ Autumn leaves are Falling Down” and our favorite circle time songs.
Some of the books we read include I am Apple by Jean Marzollo, Peppa goes Apple Picking by Meredith Rusu, Mouse’s First Fall by Lauren Thompson. Our favorite was book was Harvest Party by Jennifer O’Connell.
We also had a blast in Stretch and Grow, we love our Stretch and Grow days!
Pre K 3 and Saplings
In PreK-3 this week we learned about our families! We made a chart of who is in our family and shared with the class! We learned that not all families are the same. We saw from our chart that some families can be small or big!
We read Love is a Family by Roma Downey, One Family by George Shannon, and A World of Families by Trish Holland.
We started our monthly self portrait this week. Each month we will be drawing ourselves and practicing writing our names! Working on our fine motor skills we matched colored beads with the right paintbrush. With play dough pictures we matched upper case letters together.
Pre K 4
In Pre k 4 the children have been learning about all the attributes that make us unique and the same. We talked about our feelings and our 5 senses, the color of our eyes, hair and the color our skin.
In addition, we spent time learning about apples as we head into Autumn. We enjoyed stories such as The Skin You Live In by Michael Tyler and The Biggest Apple Ever by Steven Kroll.
The children explored apples, measuring and weighing them, looking at their various parts and writing in their journals about the best place to find them. We counted apples, put them in size order and taste tested them. The children also made applesauce!
Our Handwriting Without Tears (HWT) letters were D, P, B and R. We worked on forming the letters correctly by starting them at the top, as well working on proper pencil grips.
Next week the children can look forward to learning about trees, leaves and the changes in season.