September News: Weeks of September 23rd and September 30th
2024 Diaper Drive
Thank you email received from the Moms Helping Moms Foundation:
Annual Flu Vaccine
All children between the ages 6 months to 5 years old who attend daycare or pre-kindergarten programs in New Jersey are required to have a flu vaccine before December 31st.
Please provide proof of vaccination to the office when your child has had their annual flu vaccine. Thank you.
2025 Holiday Closing Dates
Our 2025 Holiday Closing Dates can be found on our website using the link below.
Another couple of weeks and we now have our third walker! Three new walkers in two months. Now everyone is on the move one way or another. The Peapods are on a roll!
Our cap bottle is always great fun and a challenge for us. It really helps with our fine motor skills placing the caps in the big jar. We love it.
We have been lucky to have some nice days for our walks. We’re enjoying watching some of the early leaves starting to fall. Looking forward to watching the changing colors to really start turning.
One of our books we enjoyed was Mouse’s First Fall by Lauren Thompson. We also are having fun with “If You’re Happy and You Know It”.
Peapods II
Welcome October! We are so excited for the start of another new month. We have so much to look forward to! Peapods 2 will be celebrating two birthdays and Halloween! This week we talked about trees and leaves. We have been enjoying exploring leaves inside of a sensory bottle and have also used dot paint on pictures of leaves. We are continuing to practice our signing skills and using the words that correspond to the sign. We have also been enjoying a new Halloween book entitled The Squishy Wishy Pumpkin by Make Believe Ideas. Everyone is doing a great job and our teachers are so proud!
We have been doing so many fun activities since Fall began! We have decorated our room for Fall/Halloween. We love our new ghosts, pumpkins, and GIANT Candy corn. The Seedlings have been practicing saying Trick or Treat and we are pretty good at it!
We washed dishes and food with soapy water and sponges – a great sensory activity. We were excited to make so many bubbles in the bin and loved scrubbing the dishes.
In the playground, besides running and riding the rocket ships, we been collecting the leaves on the ground in a bin. We love running around the playground looking for more to collect.
During circle time, we read Goose Needs a Hug by Tad Hills and sang “5 Little Pumpkins Sitting on Gate”.
Little Sprouts
Little Sprouts has had so much fun learning about Families and Pumpkins! Some of our art projects were making a class family tree, and painting pumpkins! Our favorite centers were making different shapes with play dough, making food in our play kitchen, free art, and of course our library! We are very excited every Wednesday morning when Ms. Lisa comes to sing with us! Some of our favorite songs to sing with her are “Baby Beluga”, “Old McDonald”, “Doe-A Deer”, and “Row, Row, Row your Boat”. We loved reading Llama Llama Misses Mama by Anna Dewdeny and Ten Orange Pumpkins by Stephen Savage
What a wonderful two weeks we’ve had here in Beanstalks! Last week we talked about apples and where they come from! We traced lines from our apple trees to our baskets to work on our prewriting skills! This week we explored pumpkins. We used a variety of tools to paint our own pumpkins and loved singing Five Little Pumpkins Sitting On A Gate. Happy Rosh Hashanah to everyone who celebrates, we hope you all have a safe and happy weekend, and we’ll see you next week!
We had so much fun learning about apples and pumpkins the last 2 weeks! Last week we discussed apples. We talked about where apples grow, the color of apples, and what our favorite kind of apple is. We made patterns using red and green ‘apples’, spelled our name in an apple bucket, and even painted using apples. Our favorite books were 10 Apples on Top by Theo LeSieg and The Apple Pie Tree by Zoe Hall. This week we learned all about pumpkins. We discussed the life cycle of a pumpkin, the parts of a pumpkin, and compared pumpkins to apples. Additionally, we did an experiment to see if a pumpkin would sink or float in a bucket of water. Throughout the week we made pumpkin collages, counted and weighed pumpkins using a scale, and practiced counting pumpkins on a vine. Additionally, in our center time we have been practicing tracing letters using dry-erase markers. Our favorite books were The Ugly Pumpkin by Dave Horowitz and How Big Can Your Pumpkin Grow? by Wendell Minor. Throughout both weeks we practiced our counting, AB pattern making, how to spell our name, and our pencil grip. We are looking forward to discussing fire safety and trees/leaves in the next 2 weeks!
PreK 3
Fall has arrived and PreK 3 has been busy! Last week we learned about what makes a good friend and explored our feelings. Each class created a friendship caterpillar with dot markers or crayons. We then talked about what makes a great friend while labeling our class “Baking up a Good Friend” cupcake poster. Each class created our own Preschooler, Preschooler Who Do You See? book by drawing pictures of our classmates. All of the children played a feelings matching game to help identify all kinds of feelings. We glued a Glad Monster/Sad Monster craft using out “just a dot, not a lot” gluing technique. Some of the books we enjoyed included, Llama, Llama Time to Share, by Anna Dewdney, Rainbow Fish, by Marcus Pfister, The Kissing Hand, by Audrey Penn and Today I Feel Silly!, by Jamie Lee Curtis.
This week we have been learning about the various people in our towns that protect, build our buildings, take care of us and our town – Community Helpers! We talked about the post office and the mailman, construction workers who build our roads and buildings, emergency workers who help keep us safe, the garbage and recycling workers who help keep our town clean, and doctors who keep us healthy! Some of the projects we worked on included – stamp the mail alphabet match, where the letter on the stamp had to be matched to the letter on the piece of mail; we painted with construction vehicles, creating awesome treads and construction tracks; we reviewed numbers by using clip cards to count the flames and “put out the fire”; we sorted garbage vs. recycling, and identified shapes using a band-aid shape sort. Some of our favorite books this week were – No Mail for Mitchell!, by Catherine Siracusa, Digger Man, by Andrea Zimmerman and David Clemesha, Going to the Firehouse, by Mercer Mayer, and I Stink!, by Jim and Kate McMullan.
We always have a wonderful time at Stretch and Grow, and Music with Miss Lisa is a highlight of our week! And a big thank you to Mr. Jon for our bus trips to local parks on Fridays, weather permitting, for additional playtime fun! We spent a lovely time a Oakwood Park last week!
PreK 4
We had a great two weeks in Pre K 4. We finished up talking about apples and began talking about the change in seasons. The children enjoyed listening to the stories Hello Autumn, Goodbye Summer by Kenard Pak and It’s Fall by Renee Kurilla.
The children really enjoyed conducting science experiments involving apples. They made predictions, observed the reaction and discussed the out comes. We measured and weighed apples using scales and string and recorded our answers as part of our apple investigation. The children also used apples to make art and hats in celebration of Johnny Appleseed Week.
Our HWT letters this week were N,M,H and K. We practiced correctly forming the letters and learning their sounds by making word webs. In math, the children worked on equations by using apple stickers to make an apple tree. They counted the apples by color and then altogether.
Next week the children can look forward to learning about Fire Safety as we recognize National Fire Prevention Week.