September News: Weeks of September 9th and September 16th
Picture Day 2024
Picture day will held on Tuesday September 24th and Wednesday September 25th.
Portraits will be done by Lifetouch Photography. Once pictures are taken, parents will have the option to order prints or digital copies. Please see below for the schedule:
Tuesday, September 24th:
- Peapods
- Peapods II
- Beanstalks
- Saplings
- Pre K 3 (Ms. Pam’s class)
- Sibling Portraits (unless both siblings are in classes scheduled for Wednesday)
Wednesday, September 25th:
- Seedlings
- Little Sprouts
- Pre K 3 (Ms. Deanna’s class)
- Pre K 4 (both rooms)
- Sibling Portraits (only if both siblings are in classes scheduled for Wednesday)
Each child will have their photo taken with a fall themed back drop as well as a portrait. All class pictures will be composites similar to last year.
2024 Diaper Drive
A big thank you to all those who donated to our Fall diaper drive.
The drive was very successful and all donations have been dropped off to Moms Helping Moms ready for the start of National Diaper Awareness Week.
Annual Flu Vaccine
All children between the ages 6 months to 5 years old who attend daycare or pre-kindergarten programs in New Jersey are required to have a flu vaccine before December 31st.
Please provide proof of vaccination to the office when your child has had their annual flu vaccine. Thank you.
2025 Holiday Closing Dates
Our 2025 Holiday Closing Dates can be found on our website using the link below.
The Peapods have had so much fun these past couple of weeks. We have discovered a few new places to crawl through and under in our room. We are always on the go! There is a place where we can play “peek a boo” and we even discovered under the cribs. Our toys are always getting under our cribs, and we love getting them back ourselves.
We have been so lucky with the beautiful weather continuing so we can go outside. Hopefully we will have many more.
As we head into Fall we are reading about some of the things that happen during this season. One of the books we read was Mouse’s First Fall by Lauren Thompson. We also had fun with a new song titled “Autumn Leaves Are Falling Down”.
Peapods II
It’s hard to believe we are already half way through September! Peapods 2 has been enjoying these early fall days. Over the last two weeks we’ve talked about all things fall and apples! We listened to a fun new song called Ten Apples On My Head” by Super Simple Songs. One of our favorite activities was our sensory play with applesauce! Whether we explored it with our hands or gave it a taste, everyone enjoyed it. Outside of our room you can check out some of our new art projects. We have been doing great trying to use our words to talk to our friends and teachers. We are looking forward to the remainder of the month and the rest of fall!
The Seedlings love the fall-like weather this week! We have new rocketships to race around the playground on and have been trying to pop bubbles from our bubble machine!
We have doing a lot of been finger painting. We made beautiful apples for our door and the first letter of our names. The colors we used are vibrant ad bright – we love them!
During circle time, we read All By Myself by Mercer Mayer and sang “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes”. We love to play head, shoulders, knees, and toes and think it’s so silly to go faster and faster. We have also been pretending to be sleeping bunnies and hopping around the room when we wake up!
Little Sprouts
Little Sprouts has had so much fun learning about Fall and Feelings! Some of our art projects included finger painting hedgehogs,using watercolors to make feeling monsters, and making a Scarecrow for our door! We used watercolor for his hat and pants, for his shirt we ripped up paper and glued it on, and we used a sponge to paint his shoes! Some of our favorite centers were building with legos, playing with the car ramp, and our library. During circle time we sang our Good Morning Song, talked about the weather and dressed up our weather bear. We loved reading Duck & Goose Find A Pumpkin by Tad Hills and The Way I Feel by Janan Cain. We enjoyed using instruments when we sang along to “I know A Chicken” by The Laurie Berkner Band!
What a fantastic two weeks we’ve had here in Beanstalks! Last week we talked about our families and all the different people in our lives! This week we explored feelings, and talked about how to manage our big emotions. We have been going on our walks and are so excited that we get to see the leaves start to turn. We hope you all have a safe and happy weekend, and we’ll see you next week!
We had so much fun learning all about ourselves and our families these past two weeks! Last week we learned all about us. We discussed our eye color, hair color, favorite color, and favorite fruits. Throughout the week we made collages of ourself using paper and measured how long our shoe is using unifix cubes. Our favorite books from this week were Not All Princesses Wear Pink by Jane Yolen and When I Grow Up by Al Yankovic. This week we are discussing our families. We have talked about how many people are in our family, if we have pets, and if we are the oldest or youngest child. During the week we drew a family portrait, practiced tracing our letters 1-5, and sorted bears by color. Our favorite book from this week were How to Babysit Grandpa by Jean Reagan and All the Families by Margaret Wise Brown. We worked on counting to 5 and recognizing our numbers as well as learning the letters in our name. We are looking forward to learning about apples and pumpkins in the next 2 weeks!
PreK 3
Pre K 3 had a great start to the school year! The last couple of weeks, we continued to talk about ourselves. Last week, the children talked about our why they are special! We started the week by making a person collage. We decorated it with colorful paper. We practiced finding letters in our name. The children had fun looking in the mirror and checking our eye and hair color then talking about it at large group. The teachers measured our height and we counted the letters in our name. We learned that we are all the same and yet have some things that are different.
Our Families were the topic of conversation this week. We created a family chart where we glued a pink or blue square for each family member. We started to draw Mat Man and our self portraits. We will continue them throughout the year. The children matched play dough letters to the container with the same letter. And we practiced beading same color beads to pipe cleaner “paint spills”.
We enjoyed the weather on our walks and had a lot of fun in Stretch and Grow. This week we also started Music with Ms. Lisa again. See you in the Fall!
PreK 4
Over the past two weeks, the children have been learning all about themselves and apples! We learned all about our friends and their favorite things. During apple week, we learned about the life cycle and the parts of an apple! Our favorite books were Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes and Apples, Apples, Apples by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace.
In our journals, we pondered where apples can be found and what our favorite thing to do with our family is. We have been practicing identifying uppercase letters and counting up to 10. We’ve also been hard at work writing uppercase letters independently. We continued our Handwriting Without Tears unit and completed letters B, R, D, and P. We’re doing great!
We enjoyed all of our fun activities Stretch and Grow, gymnastics and Elefante Music. Have a great weekend!