Sproutlings News – April 9, 2018


-Visit the bottom of the newsletter for weekly Early Childhood articles and Resources. Printed copies of these articles are available upon request.

-Any time your child receives new vaccines, please request an updated vaccination report from your pediatrician to give to Kerry in the office. A new Universal Health form is required after each yearly physical. Blank copies are available in the lobby.


This past week we had a great time crawling through our open shelf.  We made it into a race to see who could come through it first.  We did so well it turned into a tie!  We did a lot of filling up our bins and dumping them. The best part is always the dumping. We also played with our toys with wheels.  We love to push and pull them. This week we were in for a special treat from Ms. Robin.  She made shark puppets on sticks.  Instead of dancing to Baby Shark we sang the song. We all enjoyed it. We also were able to spend some time outside enjoying the beautiful weather.   Our book this week was Rain, Rain, Go Away and our song was “The Itsy, Bitsy, Spider.”


This week in the Seedlings room we had a great time. We were excited to use our fine motor skills by making coffee filter butterflies with our dot art markers. It was fun to be able to pick out our own colors that we wanted and to see what we created! We really enjoy using our dot art markers. We had an exciting time with a sticky floor. We put contact paper on the floor and we were able to have our shoes stick a little and hear all these wonderful sounds. We had a special treat this week! Mr. Mo read Brown Bear by Eric Carle to us and we absolutely adored it!

Little Sprouts

Little Sprouts has so much fun this week! We learned about caterpillars and read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle and we sang and danced to “Baby Shark.” This week we worked on making paper chains to make a caterpillar. We also used pom poms to make colorful caterpillars on a leaf. Little Sprouts worked on learning our colors and the first letter of our names. Some of us already knew them! We enjoyed playing with our big foam blocks and and playing at the sensory table. As always, we loved learning new songs with Miss Karen from Elefante Music and Miss Robin and exercising with Stretch and Grow!


We seem to finally be enjoying some warmer weather. “April showers bring May flowers.” We have spent so much time inside and are very excited to spend even more time outside as the weather gets warmer.  This week in Beanstalks we continued to focus on weather and introduced the new letter of the week which was B.  We sang songs about the letter B and thought of words that begin with the letter B as well.  Since our focus has been weather we decided to talk about wind and how can we make wind.  Our Beanstalk friends enjoyed using wind to make “blow art” and to “move the clouds”.  In addition, we made windsocks and dot -painted the letter B.  Next week we will finish our study of weather and review the letter D.

This week our friends upstairs have been busy as bees.  We are continued  our study of weather with a focus on wind. I asked the question “What is wind?” and “Can you see wind or feel wind?“ They had some great answers!!  In language/literacy we reviewed the letter B and practiced writing the letter B with brown paint. We also did a word search to find the hidden B’s too. In science and sensory, we did an experiment to see if wind was able to move various items and used raindrops to measure ourselves.  Most of our friends were at least 10 raindrops tall! We also had an “ice race “ using a fan to see the effects that wind had. In art this week, we made windsocks, dot-painted B’s and painted spring pictures at the easel.  Next week we will close out our study of weather and review the letter D.

Pre K 3

In PreK-3 this week we continued our study on the weather. This week we focused on wind. The class learned wind is air moving around and we can not see wind but we can feel it. We read Flora’s Very Windy Day. The kids learned a new song “W-I-N-D-Y”set to the tune of “B-I-N-G-O.” In science we discussed how wind can vary in strength. To explore, each child blew gently on their hand to simulate a breeze and then blew harder, like a gust of wind. Afterwards, we had the children mimic a gust of wind by blowing a cotton ball to the end of the table. The kids had a blast blowing the cotton ball! In math, we counted raindrops. In art, we made kites and counted how many bows were on our string. We also made puff clouds with cotton balls. In literacy, we reviewed the sound the letter B makes and sorted objects starting with the letter B. PreK-3 had a great week of learning and next week we will be wrapping up our study on weather! We also welcomed our new friend, Ida to the class. Welcome, Ida!

Pre K 4

This week we investigated the question, “What are the parts of a plant and how do they grow?” Each day this week the class observed the changes in their greenhouses and kept a journal of what they saw. We made diagrams of the parts of pants and dissected red beans and their seedlings to draw what we saw inside. The students wrote about how they make plants grow. We practiced using a ruler to measure the lengths of flower stems. The class studied the painting The Water-Lily Garden by Monet and created their own version. This week we added not, but, and what to our list of sight words. We worked on the “f”l blend sound. Our books this week were The Tiny SeedThe Life Cycle of a Sunflower, and Gus Grows a Plant. Next week we will investigate the question, “How do roots work and do all plants have roots?”

Early Education Articles and Resources for Families:

Seasonal Allergies in Children 

Stop Toddler Bedtime Battles

How Play Connects to Learning