Sproutlings News – August 8, 2018
-A friendly reminder that we will be closed on Friday, August 31st for a staff training day and on Monday, September 3rd for Labor Day.
-Happy August! Water play will continue to take place on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays through the end of the month. Please send your child to school in their bathing suit with sunscreen applied.
-When in doubt, label everything! It is very helpful to teachers when towels, bathing suits, clothing, etc. has names or initials written on the tags. This helps ensure that all of your child’s belongings end up in the right cubby at the end of the day. Thank you so much for your help with this!
-As always, please return a Universal Health Record after your child’s yearly physical. These can be found in the lobby. Please also provide an updated vaccination record whenever your child receives a new vaccination. All children over the age of 6 months will need to receive a flu shot by December 31st.
-Construction Update: Things are moving along quickly! We are looking forward to the completion of next door. This includes an indoor play space, STEM lab, a new Little Sprouts classroom, Kindergarten room and After Care space. We will also have a whole new entrance! We will keep you posted on our expected opening.
-Kerry will be out of the office this Thursday, August 9th and Friday, August 10th. If you have any immediate concerns, please email sproutlings.info@gmail.com and someone will assist you. Otherwise, she will be back next Monday.
We have had some busy days during this hot, wet, summer. We are getting outside as often as possible. It would be nice if it would stop raining so we can go outside more often.Some of us have been very busy with our milestones. We’re able to sit by ourselves and get down on our tummies. Some of us are creeping backwards. Making progress!
We have been playing with our magnetic animals. We love to take them apart and put them together. We are enjoying music time. We sit and clap our hands to the songs. We have also played with our musical instruments during music time. We like to shake our bells! Our books have been When the Rooster Crows by Patricia Lilie andThe Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss. Our song was “Baby Bumble Bee.”
We would like to welcome Sophia to the Peapod room. Welcome Sophia! We are very happy you are joining us.
We have been loving the summer in Little Sprouts! We learned about the farm and plants in these past couple of weeks. We have learned the sounds animals that live on a farm make and that plants can be more than just the pretty flowers we see! We had so much fun washing our muddy animals in the sensory table and singing and dancing to songs with Miss Robin! Summer is almost coming to an end but we’re excited to see what it will bring!
Little Sprouts
We have been loving the summer in Little Sprouts! We learned about the farm and plants in these past couple of weeks. We have learned the sounds animals that live on a farm make and that plants can be more than just the pretty flowers we see! We had so much fun washing our muddy animals in the sensory table and singing and dancing to songs with Miss Robin! Summer’s almost coming to an end but we’re excited to see what it will bring!
Wow! August is here already can you believe it ? We have been busy having lots of fun doing various activities. Last week we talked all about farms and this week we focused on plants! Our Beanstalk friends had lots of fun with our farm theme. We read the story The Big Red Barn and sang the song Down on the Farm. We discussed what animals live on the farm and what animals they have seen on a farm. Some of our answers were very creative! In science and sensory, we added pretend fruits and vegetables to the sand table and also made butter by using heavy cream and lots of shaking.
This week in Beanstalks our theme was plants. We read the book The Tiny Seed andHow Things Grow. We also sang songs about plants and colors as well. In science and sensory we measured ourselves to see if any of our Beanstalks were taller than a flower. Stop in and take a look to see what the results were! In art, we watercolor painted flowers. We also had a blast painting using flowers. In the next couple of weeks we will introduce the themes “Healthy Foods” and “Sea Life.”
Have a great weekend 🙂
Pre K 3
This week in PreK-3 we learned all about plants. In large group the kids learned what plants need to grow and the parts of a flower. Our story this week was The Tiny Seedby Eric Carle and All About Plants. The kids loved at the end of Tiny Seed when the tiny seed became a huge flower! In math we sorted different seeds in size and color order and also counted how many seeds were in the counter. In science we learned how roots work. We put celery in red water and watched the top of the celery turn red. The kids were so amazed to see it change color! In art we made flowers out of shapes. We had a fun week in PreK-3! Have a great weekend!
Pre K 4
We’ve been down the farm in Pre K 4! We played animal sound bingo, we practiced our one to one correspondence feeding corn to our number chickens. We learned about the difference between farm animal and wild animals and made a graph to show our favorite farm animal. We read Pablo’s Tree, What Dinosaurs Do When They are Mad? And The Biggest Apple Ever.
This past week we were Inventors. We learned that an invention is a new idea with a purpose. We learned about Alexander Graham Bell and played a game of telephone. We learned about the parts of machines, practicing counting using nuts and bolts, painting with gears and making a magnet maze. The class invented their own flying machines, and created shape robots. We read Charlie Anderson and Benjamin Franklin Modern Inventors.
This week we’ve been busy coding! We played with the code-a-piller and met Dash, our robot friend. We learned that coding is when you put a series of commands together for a computer to follow.
Summer Camp Fun!
We’ve been busy in summer camp!! This week was inventor’s week and we had a field trip to Imagine That! We were able to “dig” for dinosaur fossils, play the drums and pretend to be pirates, just to name a few. Back at Sproutlings, we learned about who the Wright Brothers were and why they were important. Miss Frizzle and her class took us on an adventure on The Magic School Bus to teach us how planes can fly. We created our own inventions by drawing something that would make our lives easier. We even made robots out of paper bags using a button, pompom, googly eyes, 4 rectangles and markers! We had so much fun!!
Next week we are learning about coding! Students will have fun using the code-a-pillar which allows us to put a sequence of actions together to make the code-a-pillar move! With our friend Bee Bot, we can tell him which directions to go and see if he can follow what we programmed into him. We will even set up a maze with the blocks to see if he can navigate through! Mr. Mouse needs to navigate a maze as well, but he needs to get to his cheese. Students will also have a chance to play coding games on the Ipads. The app is called Kodable and it allows the children to figure out how many steps in each direction their fuzzy bug needs to go to get to the end. The levels vary from beginner to advanced. Students will learn to work cooperatively with others while thinking logically and making predictions.