Sproutlings News – July 2, 2018
-We are excited to announce that Maddie Espinal is our new Head Teacher at Sproutlings! Maddie is the Lead Teacher in the Little Sprouts classroom. She has a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Penn State University- Harrisburg. Aside from teaching in the classroom, Maddie will be helping with curriculum development and teacher mentoring.
-Water play will take place on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Water play is for students in our Seedlings, Little Sprouts, Beanstalks, and Pre School classes as well as our Summer Camp. Please send your child to school in their bathing suit with sunscreen applied. Summer Camp students can bring a bathing suit to change at school. Please send your child in “water proof” shoes for water play. Please make sure the shoe has a back to it. Flip flops can be dangerous.
-When in doubt, label everything! It is very helpful to teachers when towels, bathing suits, clothing, etc. has names or initials written on the tags. This helps ensure that all of your child’s belongings end up in the right cubby at the end of the day. Thank you for your help with this!
Last week was a bittersweet week. We say goodbye (but not really!) to four of our Peapods. They are moving on up…to the Seedlings! We feel so lucky to have had them with us all these months. Some almost for a year. They have gone from infants to running and playing toddlers.
Our week was busy with music and dancing to new songs. Some of us are clapping and dancing ?. We also played with our jar caps. It’s so much fun putting the caps into our big jar. We also like to spread the caps all over. Some of us are very good at stacking our blocks. We are even placing our different shapes on top of the blocks. We have enjoyed our time outside while the weather was nice. Our book this week was Pete the Cat-I Love My White Shoes and our song was “The Wheels On The Bus.” We hope all our families enjoyed the Fourth of July!
Little Sprouts
It’s finally summer! Happy summer from Little Sprouts! We have been learning all about summer. We talked about the foods we eat, the places we go, and the things we see during this wonderful season. For art, we made watercolor seashells. We learned how to dip our brush in the water and take off the excess to make a beautiful picture. We also painted ice cream scoops to make a huge class ice cream cone! We read Mouses First Summer by Lauren Thompson and danced along to some of our favorite Disney songs. Even though it’s the beginning of summer, we were really enjoying Mickey Mouses’ version of Jingle Bells. We worked on our gross and fine motor skills as always. We crawled through tunnels and played with puzzles!
We spent some time learning about animals. We glued cotton balls onto sheep cutouts to make some farm friends. We also practiced using foam and sponge stamps with paint. It was a blast! This week we had fun making red, white and blue fireworks. Stop by our room to take a look!
We welcomed many new friends into the Beanstalks this week. Summer time is here and that means lots and lots of outside time. We’ll continue to work on our themes as well as review numbers, letters, shapes and colors. Water play will begin next week on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Please remember to bring your child dressed and ready for water play! Please also label all items.
Last week in Beanstalks we introduced our new study of animals. We discussed what animals run, fly and asked the question “what is your favorite animal?” We played animal memory and sorted our animal counters into their various habitats. In art this week we dot- painted butterflies, explored play-dough and practiced coloring. This week we celebrated the Fourth of July with some fun Red White and Blue crafts!
Pre K 3
We had a great first week in PreK-3! This week we learned about the 4th of July and why we celebrate it. The kids learned there are fifty stars and thirteen stripes on the American flag. We read We Love America and F is for Flag. After reading the book F is for Flag we colored in the letter F and learned the sound it makes.In art we tore red and blue paper and glued them on stars. As a class we made an American flag with our hand prints and hung it up in our classroom! The kids had a blast making the flag! In math we counted and sorted stars by color. Next week we are going to learn about the beach! Have a great weekend!
Pre K 4
Welcome to Pre K 4! We had a great week learning the new routines and making new friends. On Tuesday, we enjoyed our first day of water play. We loved splashing around in the sprinklers. In small group, we’ve been practicing our cutting and tracing skills. We have also been practicing how to choose centers.
Next week, we will be learning all about the Solar System! Stay tuned!