Sproutlings Newsletter: Week of January 20th
- We will be closed on Friday 02/14/2020 for Staff training and Monday 02/17/2020 for President’s Day
- Please hand in an updated Vaccination Record to the office each time your child receives a vaccine. A new Universal Health Record is required after each yearly physical. Blank copies are available in the lobby.
Peapod I
We have had another great week in the Peapod room. We have been busy playing with our friends. Some have learned how to stack the blocks into a “tower”. As always, the best part is knocking it down! We are also getting really good at pulling out the toy bin and dumping all the toys out. But we haven’t learned how to clean up yet!
Ms. Lu read Just You and Me by Alice King and Ms. Emily helped us with our song “If You’re Happy and You Know It.”
Peapod II
Wow, what a wonderful week! We practiced catching and throwing our balls, racing our cars, and stacking our blocks. We sang our “Good Morning” song and pointed to our friends when we recognized their names. Our book this week was Counting Kisses by Karen Katz.
This week in the Seedlings was a lot of fun! We had a great time using stamps of the ocean creatures. We learned a few new creatures that live in the ocean like starfish, seahorses, and crabs. We were very fortunate that there were a few days to go outside and enjoy our playground! We also had fun using our dot art to make lovely pieces of art to hang around our classroom for all to see. The Seedlings love having the pops and locks in the sensory table. For circle time, we sang “The Wheels on the Bus” and read The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss.
Little Sprouts
This week in Little Sprouts, we continued to talk about winter and the different animals that live in cold areas. We read The Mitten by Jan Brett and sang “I’m a Little Penguin.” During circle time, we talked about the animals that were in the book we read and why they like the cold weather. For art, we colored pictures of winter animals. Our sensory table is filled with white shredded paper and cotton balls to resemble snow and snowballs. We even put our animals in the sensory table! Miss Michelle from Elefante Music came this week to sing and dance with us. We had so much fun!
Just some friendly reminders to continue to label all of your child’s belongings as well as dressing your child appropriately for playing outside. Have a great weekend and stay warm!
Beanstalks learned all about the special clothes people wear! We learned that the clothes we wear to a party or the clothes some people wear to work are different from our everyday clothes. We looked at pictures kinds of clothes and shoes people wear around the world. We read Mary Wore Her Red Dress and Henry Wore His Green Sneakers. We painted hats and decorated them with sequins and we made peace signs to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr.! We learned the letter “W” and we continued to practice spelling our names. We practiced our one-to-one correspondence with math games. We had fun exercising with Stretch n Grow. Next week, we will begin our buildings study. Have a great weekend!
It was a great week in Saplings. This week, the class continued learning about clothes. In large group, we focused on the special clothing. The kids learned police, doctors, firefighters and many more wear uniforms to work. They also learned that sometimes kids wear school uniforms. The stories that we read this week were Who Wears What? By Trish Holland and The Jacket I Wear in the Snow by Shirley Neitzel. In Literacy, we focused on recognizing upper case letters. The kids played a clothes memory game. Our letter this week was “U.” As a class, we came up with words beginning with “U.” In math, we sorted buttons by size, shape, and color. To celebrate our study on clothes we tie-dyed bags! They came out great! Have a great weekend!
PreK 4
This week in PreK 4, we have been learning about penguins as part of our Arctic animal investigation. The children found out there are many different species of penguins. We talked about the penguin’s features, its life cycle and we completed our Can, Have, Are fact chart about penguins.
The children used penguin clip cards to identify numbers, count in numerical order and number comparisons.
Our journal question this week was “Which Arctic animal would you like to be and why?” The children came up with such creative answers! Our favorite book this week is called If You Were A Penguin by Wendell and Florence Minor.
Next week, the children can look forward to learning about Polar Bears and Groundhog Day!