Sproutlings Newsletter: Week of February 3rd
- We will be closed on Friday 02/14/2020 for Staff training and Monday 02/17/2020 for President’s Day
- Please hand in an updated Vaccination Record to the office each time your child receives a vaccine. A new Universal Health Record is required after each yearly physical. Blank copies are available in the lobby.
Peapod I
This week in the Peapod room was very busy. We are learning and developing so quickly. Some of us have been able to put jar lids into our big jar. We’re discovering how much fun and exciting it is. As we get around the room, we’re discovering things that maybe we shouldn’t be doing. Some are beginning to climb. Some climb into things they shouldn’t. Some can’t get out of the things they climb into.
We have all been enjoying having Ms. Robin bring her music. Ms. Lu read our book of the week Happy Valentine’s Day Mouse! By Laura Numeroff. Our song which Ms Robin sang was “I’m a Little Teapot.”
Peapod II
Wow! What a fun week we had! We worked on our Valentine’s Day projects and had so much fun. We are excited to give them to mommy and daddy next week. Ms. Robin came in to sing more songs and it was so much fun dancing and clapping along. Our favorite song was “The Cow Goes Moo.” We had Ms. Jenna read all our books this week our favorite, however was Baby Animals, Black and White by Phyllis Limbacher Tildes.
This week in the Seedlings room was so much fun! We talked about Groundhog Day and how he didn’t see his shadow so that mean spring will come early this year. We painted a groundhog in celebration! Then we painted red hearts to get ready for Valentine’s Day. We had tons of excitement being able to go outside and breathing the fresh air! During circle time, we sang “Head, shoulders, knees, and toes” and read Bear on Wheels by Stan and Jan Berenstain.
Little Sprouts
We had a fun week in Little Sprouts talking about feelings! During circle time, we talked about times when we are happy and times when we are sad. We read The Way I Feel by Janan Cain and sang “You Are My Sunshine.” For art, we decorated gift bags for our Valentine’s Day gift exchange. We also colored pictures of flowers and hearts. For small group, we practiced identifying colors. Some of us really know our colors! We had so much fun singing and dancing with Miss Michelle from Elefante Music. Have a great weekend and stay warm!
This week in Beanstalks and Beanstalks II we continued our study on buildings! We have always been so interested in building towers and knocking them down. We talked about one of the most important buildings of all — our house! We talked about the other buildings we see by our house like the library, the grocery store, and restaurants. We read The Three Little Pigs and House, Sweet House which showed us that houses can look very different. We loved playing with magnet tiles to make cool buildings. We started to get the room ready for Valentine’s Day too by using our new dot markers and painting over heart doilies to make pretty patterns on the paper. We enjoyed working on spelling our names and working on learning new letters and the sounds they make. We had so much fun singing with Elefante Music and exercising with Stretch and Grow. Next week, we will learn about the tools we use to build!
Beanstalks II
Beanstalks II have been doing a lot of building this week. We built houses on paper, built them with magnets and blocks, and even with ourselves to create a city. We practiced writing our lines and and the letter “L.”. We enjoyed playing outside at the beginning of the week.
We read Changes, Changes by Pat Hutchins, A Chair for My Mother by Vera Williams and House, Sweet House by Judith Bauer Stamper.
We’ve been having a great week building in the Sapling room. This week, our class continued to learn about buildings. We focused on buildings in our neighborhood. The class looked at pictures of Sproutlings, Summit Speech School, Indigo and many more. We talked about their similarities and differences. Our story that we read this week was Buildings, Buildings, Buildings by Judith Bauer Stamper. Before reading as a class, we guessed what happens inside the buildings. In math, the children used LEGO blocks to make AB patterns and made their own towns using rectangles and square blocks. In literacy, our letter that we learned to write was “O.” As a class, we all came up with words beginning with “O.” The children had a blast playing with our boxes in the block center!
PreK 4
This week in PreK 4, the children finished up their investigation of Arctic Animals by learning about the Walrus. The children noted the similarities and differences each animal had to the others and learned some interesting facts, like the walrus can weigh as much as a small car!
We worked on shapes this week. The children played a game in which the had to match as many shapes as they could before the timer ran out. In another activity, the children counted the sides of each shape, recognizing which shape had the most or least sides and how many shapes had no sides. They then needed to write the number as practice. In another area of math, the children worked on number recognition specifically numbers 11-16. Using dice, one set at the number 10, they rolled the other and then counted from 10 how many more. They worked on the base ten concept as well as addition.
We continued work on recognizing letter sounds by using clip cards to match the letter to a picture starting with that sound and paired picture cards that rhymed. Our favorite book this week was There’s a Walrus in My Bed by Ciara Flood.
February is Dental Health Month. The children will be learning ways to help keep their teeth healthy next week. They can also look forward to our Valentine’s Day celebration!