February News: Weeks of February 19th and February 26th
Friendly Reminders
For safety reasons, we ask that all children are accompanied when in the building and stay with an adult at all times. Children should not be opening the main front door.
Please make sure that you have your keycard to allow access to the building with you when you are coming to drop off or pick up. If you have lost your keycard, please let us know so that we can deactivate it and make a new one. There is a $15 charge for replacement key cards.
Please do not let anyone you do not know into the building. This is a security and safety concern.
All messages regarding weather related delayed openings, early closings and closures will be sent via Brightwheel. Please make sure you have the notifications turned on and are checking messages regularly.
2024 Holiday Closing Dates
Our 2024 Holiday Closing Dates can be found on our website using the link below.
Sproutlings will be closed on Friday March 29th for Good Friday.
Another month has just flown by! The Peapods are growing by leaps and bounds! We are now watching and waiting for our next two walkers. It won’t be long until we have two more Peapods walking about.
We have been practicing our signing as we do every day. We now have a few Peapods signing “all done” and are working on “please and thank you “.
We also have a lot of fun trying to stack our star stacker and it’s always fun playing with the hippo.
Ms. Laura helped us sing “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” and Ms. Lu read The Weather Girls by Aki. Ms. Kalaya helped us make St. Patrick’s Day decorations which you will be able to see in the lobby.
Peapods II
And just like that we’re waving goodbye to February and saying hello to March! It’s been a great month for us in Peapods 2. We had so much fun celebrating both Lunar New Year and Valentine’s Day. This past month we’ve really shown an interest in books and reading. We know the titles of some of our favorite books and we are doing a great job asking for them with both words and sign language. We even got to sneak in some playground time this month! February was fun, but we are more than ready for spring to come!
What an exciting time it has been the past couple of weeks. We’ve had so much fun getting ready for St. Patrick’s Day! The Seedlings had a lot of fun coloring our class Leprechaun and we’re still deciding what his name should be.
We also learned about dentist this week. It was fun coloring teeth and point to our own in our mouth. We tired to floss with yarn and blocks.
The Seedlings loved jumping on the bubble wrap and making so much noise with it. We also rolled cars and even used our fingers to pop the air bubbles!
During circle time, we sang “My Shiny Teeth and Me!” And read The Best Mouse Cookie by Laura Numeroff and Felicia Bond.
Little Sprouts
Little Sprouts were very excited to learn about dental health and the Leap year! We enjoyed talking about how important it is to brush our teeth! We loved using ripping tissue paper to glue onto our tooth and we used markers to color a Leap Year crown. During circle time we sang all of our favorite songs. We loved playing a leap frog game, doing our puzzles, and building tall towers with Legos. We always look forward to our Wednesday morning visit from Ms.Lisa! We enjoyed reading Why should I Brush My Teeth by Katie Danes and Leap’s Day by Stephanie Bee Simmons.
What an awesome two weeks we’ve had here in Beanstalks! We’ve been talking about all the ways to keep our mouths and bodies healthy! We were so excited to have a dentist visit our class. We got to help her brush a dragon’s teeth! We practiced our flossing skills using some Legos and Play-Doh and made our own stethoscopes out of paper plates! Have a safe and healthy weekend and we’ll see you all on Monday!
Beanstalks II
Beanstalks 2 have been talking about the Leap Year! Year. We created some fun frog art projects which included coloring by number, paper plate frogs and lily pad names. Some books we read included Leap’s Day by Stephanie Bee Simons and Leopolds Long Awaited Leap Year Birthday by Dawn Desjardins. This week we learnt about the dentist and dental hygiene. On Wednesday we had a visit from a dentist and she talked to us about the importance of keeping our teeth clean. We read Just Going To The Dentist by Mercer Mayer, My Toothbrush is Missing by Jan Thomas and The Tooth Book by Dr. Seuss.
PreK 3
Pre K 3 have been busy the last couple of weeks.
Last week, we spent the week talking about books that Eric Carle wrote and illustrated. We started the week watching caterpillars grow as we used our fine motor skills to drop water from pipettes on them. We learned about mixing colors. The children got to pick two colors that we put in a bag and then the children mixed them up to see what color we could create. We decorated seahorses and made “cloud dough” out of flour and oil. Some of the books we read from Eric Carle were The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Mixed-up Chameleon, Mr. Seahorse and Little Cloud.
This week, we discussed dental health and healthy foods for our bodies. The children worked together to decide whether the foods pictured were healthy or not healthy. The children drew plaque on “teeth” and then used a toothbrush to clean them. Another day, the children found their letters in a pile of “teeth” and then used markers to write the letters on a tooth. The highlight of the week was that we got a visit from the dentist and got to brush a dinosaur’s teeth.
This week, we read Foods for Healthy Teeth and Brushing Well by Helen Frost and Growing Vegetable Soup by Louis Ehlert.
PreK 4
Last week in PreK4, we began our body unit of study. We learned and read about healthy habits, healthy foods, and parts of our bodies. We wrote about ways we can keep our bodies healthy by exercising in our weekly journal. Our letters of the week were lowercase j and p. We did many fun activities related to our body theme like matching rhyming words on bandaid cards, matching bone beginning letter sounds, and completing germ patterns.
This week PreK4, continued our body unit and focused on our teeth. We learned and read about parts of our teeth, how to take care of our teeth, and different jobs people have to help us take care of our teeth. We wrote about what we thought the tooth fairy does with the teeth they collect in our weekly journal. Our letters of the week are lowercase m and n. We did many fun activities related to our teeth theme like completing tooth patterns, brushing teeth to reveal letters, and matching capital and lowercase letters on clip cards. We also made and decorated paper toothbrushes.
We are looking forward to a great week ahead in PreK4 celebrating Read Across America week!