March News: Weeks of March 18th and 25th
Friendly Reminder
Sproutlings will be closed tomorrow Friday March 29th.
Wishing all our families a wonderful long weekend
2024 Holiday Closing Dates
Our 2024 Holiday Closing Dates can be found on our website using the link below.
The Peapods have exciting news. We welcomed a new friend to our room, and another friend is moving on up to Peapods 2. Ms Laura sang a new song for us, she sang “Are You Sleeping Brother John?” and Ms. Lu read Ruby in Her Own Time by Jonathan Emmett and Rebecca Harry. We would also like to wish our families who celebrate, a Happy Easter.
Peapods II
What a busy two weeks it’s been for Peapods 2! We wrapped up the holiday of St. Patrick’s Day by doing a sensory activity with green jell-o. We had the opportunity to explore the jello-o with our hands along with giving it a taste! It was a very different texture than we are used to feeling and tasting but we had a blast exploring it. We quickly switched gears into all things spring. You can see some of our spring related art projects hanging outside of our room. The most exciting thing our class is enjoying is our new dress up clothes! We having been loving these play clothes which include career inspired smocks and hats. We also had a fire drill this week! We did a great job and are so proud of everyone. This week we are saying our goodbyes to one friend who will be moving up to the Seedlings classroom. We will miss her but we are so excited for her next adventure! We want to welcome a new friend into the Peapods 2 room! We can’t wait to see where the spring will take us and all of the exciting things to come!
The Seedlings have been busy! We love seeing our bunny hanging up in the foyer. Every time we walk past it some of us love to hug our bunny. We were thrilled to decorate our Easter bags and go on an egg hunt. It was exciting to pick out the colors and see what’s inside.
We also have a special activity in the room, we pick out different color eggs and open them up and there’s a picture in them. We like to identify the picture and identify the color of it. It’s a lot of fun but we need a lot of patience.
During circle time, we sang “Little Bunny Sleeping” and read Llama Llama Time to Share by Anne Dewdney. Also, during circle time, we have been teaching each other how to keep our hands on our own body by wrapping our arms around ourselves. We think it’s a lot of fun.
Little Sprouts
Little Sprouts have had so much fun learning about pond life and spring time! We enjoyed using crayons, markers and dot markers to color frogs, Easter eggs, chicks and bags for our egg hunt! During circle time we enjoyed singing our talking about the weather and singing the days of the week song. We loved reading Plip- Plop Pond by Kaaren Piston and A Little Book About Spring by Leo Lionni’s friends. We enjoyed playing leap frog and dancing to “We are going on an egg hunt”. We loved getting stickers after doing an amazing job with our Fire drill!
What a colorful two weeks we’ve had here in Beanstalks! Last week we kept an eye on the sky as we talked about weather. We had a great time checking the weather every morning and singing “Rain, Rain, Go Away!” at any clouds we saw. This week we talked about pond life and made our own ponds for little ducks to swim in! We also made some butterflies that are hanging in the front lobby, be sure to swing by and take a look. Have a great long weekend and we’ll see you all on Monday!
Beanstalks II
Last week we had fun talking about the weather. We made art using a straw and we practiced using scissors when we cut on the lines to the rain clouds. Some of the books we read included Little Bea’s Snowy Day by Daniel Roode, Floras Very Windy Day by Jeanne Birdsall, And Cloudy With A Chance With Of Meatballs by Judi Barrett. On Monday we learned about Holi which is a Hindu festival of colors and it welcomes the season Spring. We made some colorful fireworks to celebrate. We hope you have a great long weekend and a Happy Easter.
PreK 3
PreK 3 have been learning about animals for the last two weeks. We started with pond animals and are now talking about pets.
We started Spring with a beautiful creation, the children made their own pond by finger painting a blue lake and adding lily pads and flowers. Everyone really enjoyed practicing their patterns when they made a snake from pipe cleaners and beads and we had frogs hopping on lily pads so we could count them. The children practiced their scissor cutting skills as they cut out some pictures to finish the patterns.
We started our Pet study this week. The children started the week by making a colorful picture to celebrate Holi. Happy Holi! We rolled the dice, counted the blocks and built a home for our pets. We matched the two halves of the letter bones. And to celebrate Spring, we painted a chick with a fork. The children enjoyed the egg hunt. Happy Easter.
Some of the stories we read were Welcome To The Pond by Ruth Owen, Ruby In Her Own Time by Jonathan Emmett, The Pets We Love by Teaching Strategies and What Pet To Get by Emma Dood.
PreK 4
PreK 4 has had fun during the past two weeks!
Last week, our theme was weather and rainbows. We learned and read about extreme weather, meteorologists, and types of clouds. We wrote about our favorite types of weather in our weekly journal. In handwriting, we practiced lowercase a and b. We did many fun activities related to our weather and rainbow theme like umbrella beginning letter sound matching, tornado rhyming words matching, and read, write, build of weather words.
This week in PreK 4, our theme is pond life. We learned and read about what a pond is, pond animals that live below and above ponds, and pond plants. We wrote about our favorite pond animals in our weekly journal. In handwriting, we practiced lowercase c and d. We did many fun activities related to our pond life theme like pond animal sorting, pond number fill in, and pond rhyming match.
We are looking forward to a great week ahead in PreK 4 learning about frogs!