April News: Weeks of April 1st and 8th
2024 Holiday Closing Dates
Our 2024 Holiday Closing Dates can be found on our website using the link below.
Our Peapods are growing so fast. We now have two Peapods just about walking. They are trying so hard to walk and not wanting to crawl. We did have fun crawling through our tunnel. Some will go through and some refuse to try, and some sit in the middle! Music and story time are two of our favorite things to do. We get excited when Ms. Lu reads to us and Ms. Laura sings for us. We had a lot of fun with Old MacDonald Had a Farm. We loved all the funny animal sounds. One of the books read to us was Sammy The Seal by Syd Hoff.
Peapods II
Hi everyone! It is finally starting to feel like Spring and Peapods 2 is loving it. We have been taking advantage of the warm sun by going outside to the playground. We love riding on the rocket ship cars and building with the big waffle blocks. Inside of the classroom, we have been talking about Pets. We have been enjoying look at all of our friends pets that have been displayed in our classroom; thank you for sharing your pets with us! We are excited to see what the rest of April will bring us and we can’t wait to continue enjoying the warmer days.
The Seedlings have been having a fantastic time so far this April. We have been decorating our room with April Showers by making umbrellas by using paper plates and adding raindrops. Then we had fun making vertical lines on the paper that hangs up on our walls. The Seedlings were thrilled to play with playdoh and made lots of snakes and snowmen.
We’ve been working hard on our fine motor skills playing with our pegs and our matching shape sorter. We love to identify their color and shapes!
During circle time, we read and sang “The farmer in the dell.”
Little Sprouts
Little Sprouts had so much fun learning about flowers and Read Across America! We enjoyed making handprint flowers and coloring flowers and birds with crayons and markers! A few of our favorite things were playing with playdoh, bubble dance party, and the parachute. During circle time, we enjoyed singing our Good Morning song, talking about the weather, singing the days of the week and our ABC’s and numbers. For Read Across America, we read some of our favorite school books like Rocket Town by Bob Logan and Never Touch A Porcupine by make believe ideas and I Stink by Kate & Jim McMullan. We also read Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert.
What a busy two weeks we’ve had here in Beanstalks! Last week we talked about plants and flowers. We discussed the different plants we’ve seen in our community and used our dot markers to make some of our own! This week we learned about pets! We talked about some of the different kinds of pets people can have and how to take care of them. We then worked together as teams of two to feed our pets, and used some sponges to paint a shell for a pet hermit crab! Have a safe and happy weekend.
Beanstalks II
Last week we focused on all things pets. We talked about pets we can have and can’t, how to take care of a pet and so much more. The books we read included “Froggy gets a dog” by Jonathan London, “Harry the Dirty Dog” by Gene Zion and so many more. Activities we did included matching pets with their homes, feed the bunny number carrots and a fish cutting craft. This week, we are focusing all on plants. We have talked about parts of a plant and how to take care of a plant. Some books we have read included “How Does a Seed Grow” by Sue Kim, “The Tiny Seed” by Eric Carle and so many more. Some fun activities we have done this week included planting our very own flowers, making a sunflower picture using a fork, sorting plants needs and parts, and we even are doing the bean experiment. How exciting!
PreK 3
Prek3 finished learning about pets last week by focusing on caring for them! The children were able to take turns being the veterinarian at our “vet” center and help out the sick or injured “pets”. We also matched pets to their homes, had fun with an animal letter hunt, fed numbered carrots to the bunny, and got in some scissors practice while creating a fish craft! Some of our favorite books were – Froggy Gets a Dog, by Jonathan London, Harry the Dirty Dog, by Gene Zion, and Swimmy, by Leo Lionni.
This week, we started learning about the life cycle of plants and flowers. The children all had a chance to plant sunflower seeds – we hope to see them start to sprout in a week or two! We discussed the parts of a sunflower, and discovered what plants need to grow and stay healthy. We will continue with placing seeds on damp paper towels, placing them in ziplock bags, mounting them to the windows and observe the seeds as they start to sprout! We will also work on number recognition with building flower towers and working on a flower counting project. Some of our favorite books this week have been – How Does a Seed Grow, by Sue Kim, Plants Can’t Sit Still, by Rebecca Hirsch, and Planting a Rainbow, by Lois Ehlert.
As always, we have fun each week with the coaches from Stretch and Grow, and with Miss Lisa our Music Teacher!
PreK 4
Last week in Pre K4, the children learned about Pond Life. They enjoyed learning what animals and insects live above and below the pond. The children loved listening to the book I Don’t Want to Be a Frog by Dev Petty. This week, we are focusing on Insects. The children learned about the life cycles of ants and ladybugs and why bees are important.
We also worked on math skills such as graphing, patterns and addition. Our handwriting letters were lowercase e through h. We continued to practice rhyming words and syllables as well as letter recognition and letter sounds.
Next week, the children will be learning about all things Spring!