Sproutlings Newsletter: Week of November 18
- Sproutlings will close early on Wednesday, November 27th at 4:00.
- Sproutlings will be CLOSED next week on Thanksgiving (Thursday, November 28th) and the day after (Friday, November 29th). Please plan accordingly!
- Parents MUST use their key cards to enter the building. We have noticed that many parents are forgetting their key cards and either ringing the bell or waiting for another parent to let them in. Please do not “tailgate” behind the person in front of you. This is uncomfortable for parents who are trying to follow our protocol. If you do forget your card and need to ring the bell, we ask that you refrain from ringing it repeatedly. It may take a few minutes for us to get to the door as we are taking care of your children. Thank you for your help in making sure the building is secure. If you have lost your key card, please write us an email (sproutlings.info@gmail.com) requesting a new one. There is a $15 charge for all lost key cards.
- All children in the center will be required to have a flu shot before the new year. Please provide documentation of your child’s flu shot to Kerry. Please hand in an updated Vaccination Record to Kerry each time your child receives a vaccine. A new Universal Health Record is required after each yearly physical. Blank copies are available in the lobby.
Peapod I
This week before Thanksgiving we have been very busy and excited getting ready for the holiday. Miss Lu has been reading books about Thanksgiving. We always love to listen. One of the books we read was our book of the week Dinosaurs Thanksgiving by Lisa Donnelly. Quite a few of us are now feeding ourselves table food (some of us like to wear it!). We’re getting so big! We are also continuing to practice signing “eat” and “more.” We like to play some games with each other. A favorite of ours is “Peek A Boo.” It’s great fun. We sang songs including our song of the week “If Your Thankful and You Know It.”
Peapod II
We are counting down the days until Thanksgiving in Peapods II! We have been singing songs like “5 Little Turkeys” and reading books like Spot’s Thanksgiving by Eric Hill to get into the spirit. Going outside is our favorite part of the day. We like to play on the toy cars and practice our beeping sounds. We look forward to having a feast next week!
We had a fun time exploring in the Seedlings room this week! We can’t get enough of stacking our blocks and seeing how high we get them! We like to identify the colors of the blocks too. We have been continuing to do our bear crawls. The Seedlings are excited to add a new gross motor movement-duck walks! We practice our bear crawls and duck walks in the indoor playground. We’re getting pretty good at them.
We enjoy walking on the blue tape in our room to Johnny Cash’s “I Walk the Line.” The moment we hear the first few notes of the music, we start walking the line. Too adorable! We love doing our puzzles and coloring. We’re really working hard on our fine motor skills. During circle time, we’ve been singing “Happy Birthday” to everyone in the class. It’s our favorite song this week. We love turning different objects into “cakes” and blowing out the candles. Our book of the week was The Ducking Gets A Cookie!? by Mo Willems.
Little Sprouts
This week in the Little Sprouts class, we talked about our families. We read “Llama llama Loves His Mama” by Anne Dewdney and “Goodnight Moon” by Margaret Wise Brown. We sang songs like “I Love You” and “Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed.” During circle time, we each shared with the class who is in our family. Some of us have brothers and sisters in other classes at Sproutlings. We also found out that some of us have pets in our family! For art, we made placemats with names of everyone we love and are thankful for. We will be using our placemats for our Thanksgiving Feast next week! We had so much fun singing and dancing with Miss Michelle from Elefante Music. We can’t wait to see what our coaches from Stretch-N-Grow are going to show us next week. Our theme for next week will be Thanksgiving. Have a great weekend!
Beanstalks learned all about how trees change for this week’s tree study. We learned that trees can change in many ways! Trees change with the seasons and trees grow, just like us! We learned new words like sapling and seedling which help us know how old a tree is. We read Tap the Magic Tree and Our Tree Named Steve. We worked on spelling our names and colored leaves to make leaf names. We also painted leaves and decorated them with glitter and sequins. We practiced counting and identifying numbers with our number puzzles. We had fun exercising with Stretch and Grow! Next week, we will learn all about Thanksgiving!
What a fun week we had in Saplings! We learned all about how trees change and how trees look in the four seasons. The kids learned in winter some trees do not have leaves on them but others do! Our story we read this week was A Book of Seasons by Martin Provensen. Through Handwriting Without Tears this week we started practicing letters! The letter we learned to write was the letter “L”. As a class we all thought of words beginning with the letter “L”. We also played a Thanksgiving letter match. The kids had to match the upper case letters on the board. To get ready for Thanksgiving we made thankful apples where we thought of things we are thankful for. Boy, our Sapling class is thankful for a lot! In art this week the class made corn with bubble wrap. They dipped the bubble wrap into paint and then stamped it on their paper. The class is continuing to work on their cutting skills. This week they cut out turkeys and pumpkins.
Pre K 4
This week in PreK 4 we read the stories The Biggest Pumpkin Ever by Jane E. Gerver and Steven Kroll as well as It’s Pumpkin Day, Mouse by Laura Numeroff and Felicia Bond. The children worked on matching upper and lowercase letters and writing the letter “K”. We used counting bears to work on patterns. We also worked on recognizing shapes and sorting them. The children used Unifix cubes to count and build, working on their number sense as well as fine motor skills.
Our art project week was making turkeys. The children enjoyed gluing and using feather to complete their project. Next week the children can look forward to a Thanksgiving feast with their friends!