June News: Week of June 13
St Jude’s Trike-a-Thon
A big THANK YOU to all of our Sproutlings families who donated to our Trike-a-Thon fundraiser. We hit our fundraising goal of $1000.
Friendly Reminder
We will be closed on Friday July 1st for our Staff Development day. Sproutlings will reopen on Tuesday July 5th after the Holiday weekend.
As the weather continues to get warmer we ask that you apply sunscreen before your child comes to Sproutlings in the morning. Thank you!
We enjoyed playing with our stacking stars this week. It’s a little more challenging than stacking blocks but we’re up to the challenge! We also had a lot of fun playing with our water toys in a container with water. It’s so much fun making big splashes. We played with our maracas and sang songs with Ms. Laura. One of the songs we had fun with was “When The Ants Go Marching.” We always love story time Ms. Lu read I Love You Daddy by Catherine Vase and Ms. Kristina read I’ll Always Love You by Paeony Lewis.
We would like to wish our dads a very Happy Father’s Day! We hope you enjoy your day.
Peapods II
Happy Friday! This week was filled with so much fun. We got to work on our Father’s Day projects and they are so cute thanks to the help of our teachers. As always we went over our ABCs, numbers and shapes. Some of us are getting really good saying certain letters and recognizing certain colors. We have made story time a bit easier for our teachers because we are getting the hang of sitting and listening to each story they read us. Our favorite song this week was “The Ants Go Marching”. This song also helps us with our numbers.
We hope everyone has a great weekend and all our wonderful daddies have an amazing Father’s Day!
We had such a fun week in the Seedlings room! We want to thank two of our Seedlings who had birthdays this week for the delicious cupcakes and for celebrating their special day with us!
We made handprint strawberries and used our fingers prints as the seeds. After that was done, we glued green pipe cleaners to make a stem. We think it’s great and love having them on our walls. The Seedlings also worked very hard on our top secret Father’s Day gift and can’t wait to give them to our fathers!
During circle time, we read The Very Quiet Cricket by Eric Carle and sang “I’m Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee”.
Little Sprouts
This week in Little Sprouts we learned all about ice cream! We learned that ice cream comes in all different sizes and flavors. Our class favorite flavor was chocolate! We had fun creating our own special ice cream cone and ice cream truck craft.
We also were able to use our fine motor skills in our sensory bin to make our own yummy 3D ice cream cones, which we really enjoyed. We ended our week by playing a matching game where we placed the same color ice cream scoops with the same color cone, we did an awesome job with that! It was a cool week in Little Sprouts!
This week in Beanstalks , we talked about the beach and summer. We discussed what we see at the beach, how to be safe at the beach, and what we can do at the beach. We decorated our own seashell, assembled a shark and painted our favorite ice cream flavor. We also practiced colors and color sorting.
We practiced letter recognition in the sensory bin by identifying upper case letters. We practiced our numbers using a numbers cake to help us. We practiced our alphabet in sign language. We read Pete the Cat, Goes to the Beach by James Dean and Beach Day by Karen Roosa We also talked about Father’s Day and what makes our Daddy’s special . We read Froggy’s Day with Dad by Jonathon London and I Love You, Dad – Grumpy Ninja by Mary Nhin .
We moved our bodies in Stretch ‘n’ Grow, it was so much fun! It was a great week in Beanstalks and we would like to wish our dads a Very HAPPY FATHERS DAY , and we appreciate all that you do for us !
Beanstalks II
Beanstalks II were busy learning about buildings and Bike Safety this week.
The Beanstalks friends took a tour around our school. We talked about how many classrooms we have at Sproutlings and we made a map of the upstairs of the building. We also spoke about our house and why it is special.
We did a lot of building with blocks, cups and index cards and magnets. The children built letters with wood pieces.
Our favorite books this week were If I Built A School by Chris Van Dusen, Pete The Cat Construction Destruction by James Dean and The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs! retold by Jon Scieszka.
This week, we continued our study on buildings. We learned about construction workers and the tools they use. We looked through our tool box and learned about tools we were familiar with, like hammers and screwdrivers, and new ones like, pliers and wrenches. We also learned that construction workers aren’t the only people on a construction site. We learned what an architect, plumber, electrician, and more do!
We’ve been loving our construction center. Many of us have felt inspired to make cool buildings which we have been adding into our classroom building book. In our math centers, we built towers using Unifix cubes after rolling dice and we practiced measuring and comparing different tools. We also created houses to add to our neighborhood map.
We enjoyed reading Smashy Town by Andrea Griffing Zimmerman and David Clemesha, I Love Tools! by Philemon Sturges, and Bang! Boom! Roar! A Busy Crew of Dinosaurs by Nate Evans. We had tons of fun exercising at Stretch and Grow. Next week, we will continue learning about tools and what materials are used to build. Have a great weekend!
Pre K 3
Happy Father’s Day! We had a fun week in PreK 3! We explored what buildings are made of! We learned that buildings can be built with different materials. We read Build It From A to Z by Trish Holland. At center time we had fun using packing peanuts and toothpicks to build with. Our friends are great architects!
We also made a special gift for Father’s Day! We had fun being creative with markers and paint! We read I Want My Daddy! by Tracey Corderoy and I Love You, Daddy. Our question this week was Dad is special because… Have a great weekend!
Pre K 4
The PreK 4 classes spent the week reviewing all the things they had learned throughout the year. We went over letter sounds and rhyming words. Then the children were able to practice number sense and addition. After the children were able to work on their beginning letter sounds and fine motor skills.
PreK 4 worked really hard this week rehearsing for graduation and making Father’s day gifts. We look forward to seeing everyone at graduation! Wishing all the fathers a very happy Fathers day!