June News: Week of June 6
Friendly Reminder: Sproutlings will be closing at 4pm on Friday June 17th so that we can get ready for our PreK 4 Graduation ceremony.
St Jude’s Trike-a-Thon
Please join us on Sunday June 12th at 3pm for our 2022 St Jude’s Trike-a-Thon.
Students are invited to bring their bike, wagon, scooter, or stroller and help us raise money for a good cause! Even our youngest Sproutlings’ students can participate while strolling with their parents. This is a great opportunity to meet other families.
The mission of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is to advance cures, and means of prevention, for pediatric catastrophic diseases through research and treatment. No child is ever denied treatment based on their ability to pay.
All families can register using the link below. Even if you are unable to make the actual event, you can still donate and join us to raise money!
We have had such an exciting week. We now have two walkers and are having a great time showing off our new skills.
Some of us have learned a new sign. When we’re finished diapering we sign “all done “ and then we sign “wash hands”. We are also very proud of ourselves for our walking and signing accomplishments!
There was also a little excitement when we had a fire drill. We were very brave and enjoyed our trip outside in our cribs. During music time Ms. Laura sang ‘5 Little Monkeys’ and we had fun using our hands to “bump” our heads. We always enjoy when Ms. Lu reads to us. This week our book was If I Could Keep You Little by Marianne Richmond.
Peapods II
Oh sunny days! Days are getting so much warmer and the sun is so much brighter, we are so happy to be exploring outside a lot more. This week we worked hard on our building skills and trying to get each block to balance on one another. Some of our friends liked to kick our towers over but we weren’t that upset, it was actually pretty funny.
We also listened to a lot of great stories and our favorite one was our peekaboo book. We get so excited when we see what is underneath each flap of the pages. We colored a picture of a butterfly so our teaches can use them to hang around the room.
We can’t wait to do more summer fun activities. We hope everyone has a great weekend!
The Seedlings had a blast this week! We did so many art activities and we still can’t get enough! We were super excited to paint on our table because we never do that. We also painted by squishing Ziploc bags with paint and paper in it. The designs are so beautiful. We then used dot markers to decorate an outline of a train.
We spent a lot of time outside enjoying the beautiful weather in our playground. We’re thrilled to use our running feet and use our outside voices. We also, are getting more confident jumping off the mushrooms too!
During circle time, we read Who’s in the Jungle by Dorothea DePrisco and sang “Down by the Bay”.
Little Sprouts
This week in Little Sprouts we learned all about the beach/ocean! We enjoyed learning about different beach creatures, animals in the ocean, and things we see/need at the beach!
Earlier this week, we had lots of fun painting and making a crab. The Little Sprouts sensory bin had sand in it this week, which we all loved!
Along with our book of the week, Pete the Cat at the Beach by James Dean, we also enjoyed listening to a few songs about the beach/ocean! It’s been a fun filled week!
Beanstalks II
Beanstalks II were busy learning about buildings and Bike Safety this week.
The Beanstalks friends took a tour around our school. We talked about how many classrooms we have at Sproutlings and we made a map of the upstairs of the building. We also spoke about our house and why it is special.
We did a lot of building with blocks, cups and index cards and magnets. The children built letters with wood pieces.
Our favorite books this week were If I Built A School by Chris Van Dusen, Pete The Cat Construction Destruction by James Dean and The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs! retold by Jon Scieszka.
This week, we continued our study on buildings. We learned about construction workers and the tools they use. We looked through our tool box and learned about tools we were familiar with, like hammers and screwdrivers, and new ones like, pliers and wrenches.
We also learned that construction workers aren’t the only people on a construction site. We learned what an architect, plumber, electrician, and more do! We’ve been loving our construction center. Many of us have felt inspired to make cool buildings which we have been adding into our classroom building book.
In our math centers, we built towers using Unifix cubes after rolling dice and we practiced measuring and comparing different tools. We also created houses to add to our neighborhood map.
We enjoyed reading Smashy Town by Andrea Griffing Zimmerman and David Clemesha, I Love Tools! by Philemon Sturges, and Bang! Boom! Roar! A Busy Crew of Dinosaurs by Nate Evans. We had tons of fun exercising at Stretch and Grow.
Next week, we will continue learning about tools and what materials are used to build. Have a great weekend!
Pre K 3
We had fun in PreK-3 this week building with all different types of material! We built with plastic cups and index cards, play dough and toothpicks, Lincoln Logs and so much more!
We also learned what tools are in a toolbox and the jobs people have at a construction site. We read Construction Worker by Ando Twin, Build It From A to Z by Trish Holland and Diggers and Dumpers by Tim Bugbird and Jane Horne.
We built towers out of Legos and compared them! We took alphabet rocks and matched them with the correct letters. We also had fun finger painting! We made jellyfish to decorate our bulletin board in the middle room! Please come and check it out! Miss Maddie and Miss Pam’s friends also helped us decorate with fish and shells!
Pre K 4
This week in Pre K 4 the children were very excited to begin practicing for graduation by learning new songs. We’ve begun making end of the year preparations and have spent the week reviewing lessons learned throughout the year. The children also spent time making special Father’s Day gifts.
Next week the children will continue with review work and Graduation practice.