May News: Weeks of May 13th and May 20th
Friendly Reminder
Sproutlings will be closed on Monday May 27th in observance of Memorial Day.
PreK 4 Graduation
Sproutlings will close at 4pm on Friday June 7th as we will be having our PreK 4 Graduation ceremony.
Please make sure you have made arrangements to pick up your child no later than 4pm that day.
Memorial Day Parade
March with us in the Memorial Day Parade on Monday May 27th.
Meet us at 9:45am at spot 22 on Central Avenue.
Please Note: All children must be accompanied by an adult.
2024 Holiday Closing Dates
Our 2024 Holiday Closing Dates can be found on our website using the link below.
Our Peapods are up and running! We have another walker! There’s no stopping them now. These past couple of weeks we enjoyed placing our jar caps in the big jar as we always do. We get so excited when the jar is brought out. Some of us are also love climbing in and out of our toy bin. It seems like we can’t do it enough.
One of the books we read was The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. We also had fun singing the “The Wheels on the Bus”.
Hoping our families have a enjoyable long weekend.
Peapods II
The Peapods 2 class have been loving the warm weather! We’ve been spending as much time as possible outside exploring the playground. The last two weeks we talked about zoo animals and insects. Hanging outside of our classroom, you can see our giraffe art! We read one of our favorite books Where’s the Ladybug? written by Ingela P. Arrhenius. We love this interactive book which involves the lifting of flaps to reveal different insects. We hope everyone enjoys their long, holiday weekend! We can’t wait to officially get started with summer!
Wow! We have been super busy lately! The Seedlings have had so much fun learning about Space and Ocean life. We have made the moon by using aluminum foil to stamped paint on paper to make craters. It was so much fun making the sun in a Ziploc bag and squishing all the paint around to make a beautiful sun.
The Seedlings adore their ocean life door! They love to point their Jellyfish/Crab/Starfish and identifying its color.
During circle time, we read The Pout Pout Fish by Deborah Diegon and sang “5 Little Seashells”.
The Seedlings want to congratulate two of our classmates for becoming big brothers. Both of them are so excited to tell their friends what their siblings names are.
Little Sprouts
Little Sprouts had so much fun learning about Space and Ocean Life over the last two weeks! We made aliens and moons which you can see hanging up outside our room! One of our favorite space themed activities was counting down from 10 to make the rocket ship blast off! During our ocean themed week we loved learning about new ocean animals, what sounds they make, and what food they like to eat. During circle time, we enjoyed singing our Good Morning Song, talking about the weather, singing the ABCs. We read two new books Welcome to Rocket Town by Bob Logan, and Guess Who Ocean Friends by Laura Ovresat.
What a wild two weeks we’ve had here in Beanstalks! Last week we talked about Ocean Life! We had a blast learning about all the different animals that live in the sea and made our own sea turtles! This week we studied space, and talked about all the planets and moons. We used tinfoil to make a moon and worked on our fine motor skills and prewriting skills using Q-Tips and pipe cleaners to paint some stars.
We hope you all have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend, and we’ll see you next Tuesday!
Beanstalks II
Last week we learned all about Ocean Life and Ocean Animals! Books we read included The Bernstein Bears Under the Sea by Mike Bernstein and The Ocean Alphabet Book by Jerry Pallotta. Some fun activities we did included fish number counting and color sorting, we focused on making patterns, we painted an ocean scene with water colors. This week was insect week! Books we read included The Very Quiet Cricket by Eric Carle, Are you a Grasshopper? by Judy Allen and Tudor Humphries,and Earthworms by Lisa J. Amstutz. We practiced our scissor skills when we cut and decorated our own bug books, we made name caterpillars, and we focused on number recognition.
We hope you have a great long weekend. Happy Memorial Day!
PreK 3
The past couple of weeks, Pre K 3 has been learning about Ocean Life and Insects.
The children worked on letter recognition and their fine motor skills while clipping clothes pin (letters) to a star fish with the same letters. We worked on number recognition when counting the number of shovels it took to make the sand castle. The children painted sea horses with bubble wrap and glued together a snapping crab.
Durning insect week, we matched shaped ladybugs. The children practiced cutting, counting, gluing, patterns and coloring. We are getting ready for Pre K 4! They also painted half of a paper, folded the paper in half and watched the magic of a symmetrical butterfly unfold.
Some of the books we read during the last two weeks include: Commotion In The Ocean by Andrea Giles, Starfish by Emma Bassier, Ten Little Ladybugs by Melanie Gerth and Bug On The Rug by Sophia Gholz.
PreK 4
We had a fun past two weeks in PreK4!
Last week in PreK4, our theme was space. We learned and read about the planets in our solar system, the moon and its phases, constellations, astronauts, and the sun. We wrote about what we would do if we lived on the moon in our weekly journal. In handwriting, we practiced lowercase q and r. We did many fun activities related to our space theme like space patterns, alien beginning letter sounds, and space rhyming match.
This week in PreK4, our theme is dinosaurs. We learned and read about types of dinosaurs, paleontologists, omnivores and herbivores, and made a graph of our favorite type of dinosaur. We wrote about what we think would happen if the dinosaurs came back in our weekly journal. In handwriting, we practiced lowercase s and t. We did many fun activities related to our dinosaur theme like fossil letter matching, dinosaur addition, and dinosaur syllable count.
We are looking forward to a great week ahead in PreK4 learning about the ocean!