Sproutlings News – January 19, 2018
Important Reminders:
For a list of our 2018 Holiday closures, please visit our website. We will be closed Friday, February 16th for a Staff Training Day as well as Monday, February 19th.
What a happy week! Some of us are really moving around our room and starting to pull ourselves up. Tummy time pays off! We love music very much. When Ms. Robin comes to our room for music time we sit around clapping our hands and try to imitate hand gestures. The Itsy Bitsy Spider is a favorite. We played with our musical instruments and made lots of loud music. We played with our blocks and built large towers. The best part is knocking them down. Our book this week was Carl’s Snowy Afternoon by Alexandra Day and our song was “The Itsy Bitsy Spider.”
Little Sprouts
We had so much fun in the Little Sprouts classroom! We enjoyed our short week by learning about mittens! We read The Mitten by Jan Brett and danced around to Three Little Kittens! We wear mittens or gloves when it is cold out and talked about what other winter clothes we wear. We painted on our easel and decorated mittens using dot paint. We also practiced our colors and shapes this week. We’ve been having so much fun singing color songs during our music class with Miss Robin.
Pre K 3
This week in Pre K-3 we continued our study on buildings! In large group we talked about who builds building and what tools do they use. In art, we used painted with tools. In our sensory table we added construction vehicles and had a blast playing with them in the sand. We also introduced the new letter of the week which was O. We learned the sound the letter O makes and came up with words that start with O. We read Build It From A to Z, Building A Home, and The Three Little Javelinas. In math we counted to 15 by building a tower with LEGOs. We also built a city with unifix cubes and built with big blocks. The kids made rocks with playdough and put them on our truckmates. Next week we will continue our study on buildings. As a class we are going to learn what building are made of and what makes them strong.
Pre K 4
This week we investigated “How do you care for pets?” We discussed the job of a veterinarian and learned some amazing facts about dogs and cats. We charted how many students in our class have a pet. We decided what we should and shouldn’t do to take care of those pets. We thought of many different things you can buy at the pet store. We used clues to guess what pet item was inside our mystery box. In math, we learned about measuring height. We updated our class height chart to see how much we have grown so far this year and measured the animals in our vet hospital. In literacy, we worked on upper and lower case letters. We matched lower and upper case letters and built our first and last names using the correct capitalization.
This week’s letter focus was on O. We thought of O words, and practiced writing it on our chalkboards. Our number was 15 and we created large numerals with bird seeds. Our stories this week were Paper Bag Princess, 3 Billy Goats Gruff, Which Pet Should I Get and Tonio’s Cat. Next week we will conclude our pet study with a celebration of all we have learned.