Important Reminders:
We are looking for gently used children’s board books for our classrooms. If you are interested in donating books, please reach out to the classroom teachers. Thank you!
For a list of our 2018 Holiday closures, please visit our website. We will be closed Friday, February 16th for a Staff Training Day as well as Monday, February 19th for President’s Day.
This week during music time with Ms. Robin, we sang nursery rhymes. Some we have heard before and some new to us. We love learning new things! Dancing is another activity we love, especially when we can watch ourselves in the mirror. We’ve been playing with our shape sorters . It’s not always easy to get the right shapes in the matching shape but we’re working very hard to do it. Some of our “crawlers” are starting to pull themselves up. It won’t be long before they start walking around. They’re all growing so fast. Our book this week was Hedgehugs by Steve Wilson and our song was “If You’re Happy And You Know It.”
In the last week of January we’re getting into Valentine’s Day. We had a great time painting hearts and painting with q-tips. We will be having a Valentine’s Day party and there will be a sign up sheet at our door. We’ve had a great time sailing boats in our sensory table. It was fun to watch them float. We also had fun learning how to take turns in our tunnel. We still need some practice. During circle time we read Emily’s Valentine Party by Claire Masurel. We sang and danced to “Surfin’ Bird.” We celebrated Kevin’s 2nd Birthday this Friday and all the Seedlings had a great time eating special snacks.
Little Sprouts
Little Sprouts was out of this world this week as we learned about space! We readGoodnight Moon and sang and danced along to Laurie Berkner’s “Rocketship Run” and the classic “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.” We talked about the night sky and how we can see the stars and the moon up in space. We used foam stars and moons and dipped them in paint to make the night sky! We also used star stickers to make our own starry night. We had so much fun with our puzzles and playing with our friends. As always, we had a blast learning new songs with Miss Alexis from Elefante Music and running around with Stretch and Grow!
Welcome to the wonderful month of February. With Valentine’s Day approaching fast there is a definite feeling of love in the air. This week in Beanstalks we talked about winter and introduced the new letter of the week which was K. Our friends enjoyed reading the bookPorcupine Valentine and The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. We even acted it out. The children are still excited about building and decided to paint with hammers and made “Sticky Buildings” for art. Thank you to all of our parents for helping pick great items for show and tell. It’s challenging at times but you always make it work! Next week we will introduce “Nursery Rhymes” and the new letter of the week which will be “U.”
Pre K 3
We had a great week in Pre K-3 learning about building and a new letter of the week which was “K.” We read the books Changes Changes, Build it From A to Z andBuilding,Building, Building. Our focus in Pre K3 this week has been what is special about our building. In sensory, we added ice cubes and built with them.The kids had a blast! We added paper towels rolls to our block center. The kids loved building with them! In art this week we put tissue paper on hearts for Valentine’s Day and we also painted with white paint on black paper. The kids learned that white only will show up on dark colored paper. In literacy we used dot paints to trace the letter “K” and we focused on the sound the letter “K” makes. We came up with words that start with the letter “K”. In math this week we introduced the number 17 and sorted nuts and bolts by size and shape. Next week we will continue learning about buildings and introduce a new letter of the week.
Pre K 4
In preparation of the upcoming Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea we are learning about the Olympic Games and winter sports. The class has been separated into three teams representing Australia, Canada, and China. We have been learning the origins of the games and history of the modern Olympics. The children have been learning about different sports that will be taking place during these Winter Games. We have played our own version of ice hockey and basketball. The teams have competed in several events, including: relay races, hot potato, and musical chairs. Many gold, silver, and bronze medals have already been won. The class learned about the passing of the torch and relayed our class torch all the way to our opening ceremonies. In art, we created the Olympic Rings, and learned how each colored ring represents a continent that competes in the games. The class got the chance to create their own flag to hang in our Olympic Stadium. In math, we continued learning about inches and feet, measuring the length of different toys in our room and finding the longest. In literacy, the students wrote about what they think makes someone a good athlete. The class found rhyming pairs and were introduced to their first set of sight words. In science, we held and experiment to explore the difference between solutions and suspensions. We week we will continue our Olympics and conclude it on Friday with a viewing of the Opening Ceremonies from PyeongChang.