Sproutlings News – November 13, 2017
–Sproutlings will be closing early next Wednesday, November 22nd at 4:00. We will be closed Thursday and Friday. We hope that everyone enjoys time with family and has a wonderful Thanksgiving!
-All students are required to have their flu shot by Friday, December 15th (with the exception of babies under 6 months of age). Please be sure to get documentation from your doctor to bring to Sproutlings.
-As always, please be sure to have a new Universal Health Record filled out at your child’s annual physical. Copies are available next to the bulletin board in the lobby. Please provide Kerry with an updated vaccination record whenever your child gets a new vaccine.
-In order for Sproutlings to administer any over the counter medication or prescribed medication, a Permission to Dispense Medication form must be filled out and signed by your child’s doctor. The medication must also be provided ahead of time by the family. Teachers have extra copies of these available in the classrooms.
It was another busy week in the Peapod room! What fun we had with our tunnel again. We just love it. It’s always fun pretending to talk on the telephone and do we have a lot to say! We are learning to help clean up our room. We are putting our toys and books away in their containers, then we take them out again so we can play. Music time is a favorite of ours. We are clapping along to the songs and learning some of the words. Miss Lu has been making giant bubbles for us to pop. We love to try and catch them. Our book this week was Thanksgiving Is Here! by Diane Goode and our song was “Hello Mr Turkey.” On behalf of the Peapod teachers we wish all our families a Happy Thanksgiving!
It was a great week in the Seedling’s room! We welcomed Anthony Pinto, Olivia Kang, and William Schwab! Everyone was very excited for them to join us. We had a great time painting turkeys with our hand print. We did fun activities like “Right Where it Belongs” and “What’s Inside?” but our favorite one was making applesauce. We watched how to peel and cut the apples. The best part was tasting what we made and we loved it! We read Five Flying Turkeysby Barbara B. McGrath and we sang “Gobble Gobble!”
Little Sprouts
November has been full of learning experiences in the Little Sprouts classroom! We worked on learning our letters and fine motor skills this week! We read The Greedy Dog and danced around to “Pig on My Head” by Laurie Berkner. Our sensory table was filled with bubble wrap. It was fun to squeeze the wrap and pop the bubbles! For art, we used our imagination to create things out of play dough. We also did “no mess finger painting” and used droppers to make splatter art! We worked on putting together our number bugs and identifying the number on the bug by counting its spots or recognizing the numeral. We’ve been having so much fun learning new songs during our music class with Miss Robin and Elefante Music and learning new things in our Stretch-N-Grow class!
This week in Beanstalks we have been busy getting ready for Thanksgiving and discussing being “ Thankful”. On Wednesday, November 22 we will have our Thanksgiving feast during our lunch time. If you have signed up to bring in a dish, please label your container so we can return it to the right family.
In language we introduced the letter Q and it’s sound. We talked about things we knew that begin with the letter Q. We are continuing our study of clothes and asked the question, “How do clothes stay on our bodies?” The children’s responses are hanging in our circle time area stop in and take a look !
In math this week we introduced the number 7 and made the number 7 out of play dough.
In art this week we traced a “Q “ using brown paint, painted Q’s using Q-tips and painted with clothespins. In science/sensory we explored various types of soaps we use to get our clothes clean and we even tried to “wash” some clothes to get them clean. The Beanstalks really enjoyed this. Next week we will continue our study of clothes and introduce the letter G.
Have a great weekend!
Pre K 3
Pre K- 3 has been busy learning lots of exciting things! This week we learned a new letter which was Q. In literacy we talked about the letter Q and it’s sound. We thought of things that start with the letter Q. We also practiced writing Q’s with Q-tips in brown paint. In math we focused on the number 7. We talked about what number comes before and after 7. We counted with objects in math. In art this week we painted with yarn. The kids had a blast! We continued our study on clothes this week. In large group we answered the question, “What are the features of clothes?” The kids had a lot to say. This week we read Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Button, Button, Who’s Got the Button? And The Mitten.
Next week we are continuing our study on clothes. Our letter next week is the letter G and our number is 8. Have a great weekend!
Pre K 4
This week in our study on clothes, we investigated what are the features of clothes. The class explored the size and shape of clothing. We learned about different measuring tools and measured our pant legs. We discovered that taller people have longer pant legs. The class learned about how clothes stay on our bodies. We practiced zippering, buttoning, and tying. The class made a graph of how their clothes were kept on. The class created puppets to retell the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We used our clothing vocabulary to describe the clothes we found playing our clothes memory game.The letter of the week was Q. We worked on its sound and practiced writing it. Our number this week was 7. We drew pictures of 7 objects. We focused on the color brown. We had fun learning a song about the letter brown and making a brown collage. Our stories this week were Goldilocks and the Three Bears, A Pocket for Corduroy, Button, Button who has the Button? and The Mitten.