Sproutlings News – November 6, 2017
-All students are required to have their flu shot by Friday, December 15th (with the exception of babies under 6 months of age). Please be sure to get documentation from your doctor to bring to Sproutlings.
-As always, please be sure to have a new Universal Health Record filled out at your child’s annual physical. Copies are available next to the bulletin board in the lobby. Please provide Kerry with an updated vaccination record whenever your child gets a new vaccine.
-In order for Sproutlings to administer any over the counter medication or prescribed medication, a Permission to Dispense Medication form must be filled out and signed by your child’s doctor. The medication must also be provided ahead of time by the family. Teachers have extra copies of these available in the classrooms.
-Please note that in order to view all of the newsletter, you may need to click “view entire message” at the bottom of this email.
What a busy week we had. We’ve been playing catch with our sensory balls. We’re getting pretty good at catching them. Our shaker bottles are great for making lots of noise. We love making noise! We love when Miss Robyn comes for music. We sit around and are trying to repeat some of the words to the songs. We are also continuing to practice saying thank you. Looking at our books is always enjoyed by all. We love to have special books read to us too. This week our book was Pick A Circle, Gather Squares by Felicia Sanzari Chernesky. Our song was “The Wheels On The Bus.”
This week in the Seedling’s room we had tons of fun! They had a great time painting with water and stamping with paint. It was fun to see the difference between the two. We also used our sensory table to squeeze sponges and see how much water came out of them. We made fall leaves for our class tree. During circle time we read Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreas and Guy Parker-Rees and we sang “Catalina Madalina.”
Little Sprouts
Happy November from the Little Sprouts classroom! This week we had a lot of fun learning about dinosaurs! We found out some dinosaurs have really difficult names to say but we did our best. We read How do Dinosaurs Stay Friends? by Jane Yolen and stomped around to ‘We Are the Dinosaurs’ by Laurie Berkner. Our sensory table was filled with bubble wrap. It was fun to squeeze the wrap and pop the bubbles! For art, we used our imagination to create things out of play dough. We also sponge painted dinosaurs and created our own using shapes! We also practiced lacing bug beads through pipe cleaners which helps us strengthen our fine motor skills. We’ve been having so much fun learning new songs during our music class with Miss Robin and Elefante Music and learning new things in our Stretch-N-Grow class!
The holidays are upon us. Can you believe thanksgiving is almost here? Beanstalks have been busy with learning lots of new and exciting things. We have been reading many fall books and learning our letter of the week which was C. In language we talked about the letter C and it’s sound. We thought about things that begin with C . We also practiced writing C’s in salt and traced a C using orange paint.
In math we have been focusing on the number 6. We talked about what number comes before and after 6. We played a matching game with our “Number Socks” and put numbers 1-10 in sequential order.
In art/sensory this week we made clouds shaped like the letter C using cotton and glue, colored scarecrows, made orange jello to finger paint with. It was a fun and sticky time!
Our new study of clothes was also introduced this week. Our Beanstalk friends have a lot to say about clothes too. You will see some of their responses hanging up outside the classroom …take a look they get very creative ! Next week we will continue our study of clothes and introduce the letter Q.
Have a great weekend!
Pre K 3
This week in Pre K-3 we started our new study on clothes! We answered the question, “What do we know about clothes?”Our letter of the week was the letter C. We learned the sound that it makes and traced it with orange dot paint. We also did a letter match looking for the uppercase and lowercase letters. In math we learned the number 6! The kids learned how to write the number 6. They also counted with socks from 1-10. In art we made a wash line and hung up clothes! Our stories we read this week were, Caps for Sale, Uncle Nacho’s Hat and Llama Llama Red Pajama. The kids loved the story Caps for Sale. They loved the part when the Peddler threw his cap on the ground and the monkeys copied him and did the same thing.
Pre K 4
This week we began our study on clothes. The class discussed what we already know about our clothes and what we want to explore in this topic. We shared what make our clothes special and described our favorite piece of clothing. The class learned how to use a measuring tape, we worked in pairs to find the length of our sleeves. The class practiced their cutting skills, cutting out items of clothing to hang on their clothesline craft. We learned how a zipper works and practiced zipping ourselves up. The class chose articles of clothing and wrote about the times when they would wear that piece of clothing. Next week we will investigate the features of clothing.
The letter of the week was C, we worked on its sound and practiced writing it. Our number this week was 6, we drew pictures of 6 objects. We continued to focus on the color orange, painting a picture of something that is orange. Our stories this week were Caps for Sale, Uncle Nacho’s Hat, and Llama Llama Red Pajama.