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Sproutlings Newsletter: Week of November 4


  • Please hand in an updated Vaccination Record to Kerry each time your child receives a vaccine. A new Universal Health Record is required after each yearly physical. All children in the center will be required to have a flu shot no later than December 20th. Please provide documentation of your child’s flu shot to Kerry. Thank you for helping us keep all of our records up to date!

Peapod I

During this week we have had milestones reached by some of our Peapods.  One friend pulled himself  up a few times to stand and now is able to reach for more toys. Another friend is now able to crawl all around the room.  We have very busy babies!
We have been clapping and moving to the music 🎶. Singing and playing music is a favorite of ours. Ms Lu has been reading our books including our book of the week The Turkey Train by Steve Hetzger and our song was “Five Little Turkeys.” 🦃

Peapod II

Book, bubbles, babies, and more! What a busy week we had in Peapods II. We’ve been spending a lot of time reading books this week. When we finish one, our friends sign for more. Our favorite book this week was Not That Tutu! by Michelle Colman. Ms. Jenna blows bubbles whenever we ask, and we ask often. Many of our friends love to say the word “bubble,” and they love to pop them even more! We enjoy playing with our stuffed babies and rocking and patting them to sleep. We sing “Rockabye Baby” and shush them to sleep. For art this week we made footprint pumpkins to hang in our windows. We are looking forward to another great week!


The Seedlings had a very exciting week! We had fun playing with pumpkin scented playdough. It was fun to feel and mold the playdough with our fingers. We had fun making snakes and balls. We also thought it was very exciting to color on the floor instead of the table (on paper of course!). Miss Kerry came into our room and read us a couple of stories! We absolutely loved it! During circle time we sang, “Mary had a Little Lamb” and read Polar Bear’s Underwear by Tupera Tupera.

Please remember to send in hats that are labeled as the weather is getting a little bit colder. Thank you!

Little Sprouts

What a fun week we had in Little Sprouts talking about our favorite things! We sang some of our favorite songs like “Baby Bumblebee,”Five Little Ducks,” and “Row Row Row Your Boat.” We read some of our favorite books such as Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr./Eric Carle and Llama Llama Mad at Mama by Anne Dewdney. During circle time, we talked about our favorite colors, foods, and toys we love to play with. For art, we colored flowers with crayons using our favorite colors. We had lots of fun playing with our pumpkin playdough and making fun shapes. Miss Michelle from Elefante Music came to visit and sing songs with us this week.

Just some friendly reminders to keep labeling all your child’s belongings (cups, containers, clothes, etc.) so we know who everything belongs to. Additionally, weather permitting, we will still be going outside to play on the playground. Please dress accordingly with jackets, hats, gloves/mittens, etc.


We continued our tree study in Beanstalks this week. We learned all about the animals that live in trees. Some live in nests while others live underground by the roots in burrows. Some even live inside the tree! We read A Busy Tree and danced along to “The Leaves on the Trees.”We drew pictures of our favorite animals that live in trees and made feathers to decorate our door for Thanksgiving in art. We sorted animals that live in trees and those that don’t. We also sorted them by where they live in the tree.

Beanstalks learned about the letter “B” and went over the letters we learned in the past. We’ve also been practicing how to put our jackets on ourselves! Please work on this with us at home too! We’ve been having so much fun during Stretch and Grow and singing and dancing with Elefante Music!


This week in Saplings, the children learned about foods that grow on trees. For large group, we made a chart of different types of foods that grow on trees. As a class we answered the question, “Which food tastes best to you?” The kids got to try an apple, orange and a lemon. After trying we made a graph of which tasted best to us. Apples came in first and lemons came in last. Most of us did not like the sour taste!

This week we worked on our one to one correspondence. This involves the act of counting each object in a set once, and only once with one touch per object. We also worked on measuring by making homemade applesauce as a special treat. The kids got to learn how to measure each ingredient. Best of all, they got to try the applesauce. It was a big hit. For our fine motor skills we practiced cutting. The kids used the scissors to help the squirrel get to its acorn. For literacy, the kids built their names with acorns and continued our Handwriting without Tears curriculum. Our story we read this week was Henry Penny retold by Bonnie Dobkins.

Pre K 4

This week in Pre K 4 the children worked on identifying shapes. They used instructional picture cards to determine how many and what type of shape was needed to make a face on their pumpkin. They also sorted shapes and worked on placing them in order according to their size.

We identified  acorn shaped letters during our large group time. The children took turns selecting a letter, identifying it by its name and sound and then finding its match. Through Handwriting Without Tears, the children practiced writing the letter “N”. Our favorite books this week were Earl The Squirrel by Don Freeman and The Secret Life of Squirrels by Nancy Rose. Next week the children can look forward to learning how animals hibernate as well as exploring the letter “H” for Show & Share.