Sproutlings Newsletter: Week of September 2nd & 9th
- Please hand in an updated Vaccination Record to Kerry each time your child receives a vaccine. A new Universal Health Record is required after each yearly physical. All children in the center will be required to have a flu shot no later than December 20th. Please provide documentation of their flu shot to Kerry. Thank you for helping us keep all of our records up to date!
- A reminder that Sproutlings is a “no idle” zone. Please turn your car off before coming inside.
- As per state policy, children can never be left unattended in the building. This includes when children run ahead of their parents to the lobby or classroom.
Dates to Remember:
- Our Kindergarten and Pre School Back to School Night is scheduled for Wednesday, September 25th at 6:00. Save the date! This is for parents of children in our upstairs Pre K 4 and Kindergarten classrooms. This is a brief meeting for parents to hear more about the schedule and curriculum. For parents unable to attend, we will send home any handouts.
- Picture day is September 30th and October 1st. Please check with your classroom teacher to see which date your child is assigned. You do not need to return the forms that went out unless you have a strong preference for background color. All children will be photographed and the photographer will choose the color that works best with your child’s outfit (unless otherwise noted). We will try our best to do sibling photos on the day of your younger child’s picture day if they are scheduled for different days.
- Our annual Halloween Parade will take place at 9:30 on Thursday, October 31st. We will have a small parents’ breakfast beforehand and then the children will parade around our parking lot. Grandparents and family members are invited to watch as well!
Peapod I
September is off to a great start. We are so happy to have you join the Peapods! Thankfully we’ve been able to get some outside time and we have been enjoying the good weather. We also have been busy playing with our toys. We especially like the blocks. It’s great fun to knock them down after they have been stacked.
Ms Lu entertains us with the “magic bubbles.” We find them so fascinating. We sang “You Are My Sunshine.” Our books were Just My Friend and Me by Mercer Mayer and Fox Makes Friends by Adam Relf.
Peapod II
This week in Peapods II we had a ton of fun! We sang “Rock-a-bye Baby” with our plush baby dolls and put them to bed. Ms. Laura and Ms. Jocelyn shook our parachute up and down. We all shouted in laughter and excitement! We sang “Wheels on the Bus” and got to play in our pop up bus. Our book this week was Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell
Happy September from the Seedlings! We have gotten back into the swing of things and are enjoying getting to know all of our new friends. For sensory, we have been washing our plastic fruit with water. We had fun building a farm with all of our animals. Many of us can identify the sounds that correspond with each animal. Our favorite song this week was, “I Am a Gummy Bear.” We like moving to the beat. In our circle time, we have been reading The Ducking Gets a Cookie by Mo Williams. We’ve been greeting each other with our good morning song.
A reminder to parents: Please remember to put an ice pack in your lunch box. Also, it is extremely important that parents close the door behind them during drop off and pick up. We don’t want any friends trying to sneak by! Have a great weekend!
Little Sprouts
Last week our theme was all about me in the Little Sprouts classroom! We read All By Myself by Mercer Mayer. We sang “I Am Special,” and “This is Me.” Our sensory table was filled with a few favorite toys we love to play with each day and we got to clean them with soap and water. For art, we used finger paint to show everyone our favorite color and we also made a collage of our families. We can’t wait to see what new activities our coaches from Stretch-N-Grow will have for us next week!
This week our theme was Community Helpers in the Little Sprouts classroom! We read “I Love Trains” by Philemon Sturges. We sang “The Wheels on the Bus” and “Hurry! Hurry! Drive the Firetruck.” We played with our firetrucks, police cars, and trains. We love making long train tracks on the carpet and pretending we are train conductors! For art, we used toothbrushes to paint awesome pictures that are hanging in the classroom! We can’t wait to see what our coaches from Stretch-N-Grow are going to show us next week. Our theme for next week will be scarecrows.
Just some friendly reminders to please continue to label all your child’s belongings (cups, containers, extra clothes, etc.) so we know who everything belongs to. Additionally, since we are a “nut-free” facility, please refrain from sending in any food that contains nuts. Have a great weekend!
We’re getting back into our routines in the Beanstalks! We read, Pete the Cat, Walking in my School Shoes and noticed that Pete does a lot of the things we do at school! We went over our class rules and reviewed “green choices” and “red choices.” An example of a green choice would be sharing toys with friends. An example of a red choice is throwing a toy. We are excited to make lots of green choices this year! In circle time, we went over shapes, colors, and the letter “a.” We made faces with loose parts and made self portraits. We practiced washing our hands. We like to sing “Tops and bottoms, tops and bottoms, all around, all around” while we wash our hands. Ask us about it! We are really enjoying our new dress up clothes in the Dramatic Play area!
Reminders to parents: please refrain from bringing in toys from home as it results in a lot of hurt feelings. Thank you! Our class picture day is September 30th!
Wow! Can you believe summer is over and it’s the start of a new school year? We had a great summer in Saplings and learned so much! Last week, we said goodbye to our butterflies and watched them fly away to their new home! The kids had a blast watching them fly away! In art, we practiced spelling our names and made name collages to hang in the classroom. At large group we read the story We’re Different, We’re the Same by Bobbi Jane Kates. The kids learned we all are different but still the same. As a class we talked about the things that make us different and the things that make us the same.
We’re a sharp bunch in the Saplings room! This week we learned all about ourselves and how we are different. Our story we read this week was I’m Like You,You’re Like Me by Cindy Gainer. In math we focused on shapes and making AB patterns. The kids used apples and school buses to make AB patterns. Literacy the kids loved matching play dough letters with the right upper case letters. In art, we made pencils. The kids took sponges to paint their pencils. It was a great week in Saplings and we’re excited to keep learning! Have a great weekend!
Pre K 4
This week in the Oaks and Maples the children continued learning “All About Me”. They worked on self portraits using various collage materials to create Transient Art. They learned about their 5 senses by sorting picture cards, playing listening games and using a mystery box to learn about their sense of touch.
The children worked on recognizing numbers and one to one correspondence by counting out chips and matching them to the correct number. Using their fingertips dipped in paint, they made red and blue AB patterns as well.
The letters “F” and “E” were introduced this week by way of a word web and a Handwriting Without Tears (HWT) handout. The children came up with words that started with each letter and then practiced writing each letter.