Sproutlings News – Week of May 27
- An important safety reminder! Please do not enter the playground from the outside. As a safety precaution, please enter the building regularly and pick your child up from the playground through the inside entrance. Parents should not be opening the gates. Thanks for your help with this!
- Our Trike-a-thon is THIS Sunday, June 2nd. Sproutlings will be holding a Trike-a-thon to raise money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Please support this wonderful cause and burn a few calories! Children are welcome to bring their bikes, trikes, strollers, scooters and wagons! The event will take place at 3:00 pm and will last about an hour. This is a great opportunity to meet other Sproutlings families. Click on the link below to register and to donate.
- http://fundraising.stjude.org/
SproutlingsChildcare - Thank you you to all the families and staff members who participated in the Memorial Day Parade! We had an amazing turnout with almost 100 Sproutlings marchers!
- Sproutlings will close early at 4:30 on Friday, June 14th for the Pre K 4 graduation. Graduation will take place in the parking lot and will begin promptly at 5:00. Siblings, grandparents, and friends are welcome.
- The June menu is available for Simply Gourmet. Please make sure you order before the beginning of the month!
Peapod I
We are practicing waving goodbye and clapping to the music. William is moving on and will be joining Peapod II next week. He’s very happy to be with some of his old friends. We’ll have some new friends joining us too!
Thank you for coming out and joining Sproutlings march in the Memorial Day Parade.
Ms Lu read Sam Sheep Can’t Sleep by Phil Roxbee Cox & Steven Cartwright and I Love You so Much by Carl Norac. Ms Emily sang “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” & “Mary Had a Little Lamb.”
Peapod II
Little Sprouts
This week our theme was Memorial Day in the Little Sprouts classroom! We read “Goodnight America.” We sang ’RED, Red”, “The Blue Song,” and “Star Spangled Banner.” Our sensory table had soapy water and our toy dishes. We love to clean our toys! For art, we used star stamps to create our own flags. We can’t wait to see what our coaches from Stretch-N-Grow are going to show us next week and what new songs Miss Michelle from Elefante will teach us! Next week our theme will be insects!
Happy Memorial Day! This week in Beanstalks we learned all about bike safety in preparation for the Trike-a-thon! Please consider attending or donating to the cause. Money raised will go to St. Jude’s Children Hospital.
We read Froggy Gets a Bike by Jonathan London and danced along to “Wiggy Wiggles Freeze Dance.” We went fishing in our sensory bin for letters and worked together to identify them. We worked on spelling our names and on our fine motor skills by making sticker names. We also practiced one-to-one correspondence by placing sprinkles on ice cream cones. For our science exploration, we made bubbling potions with vinegar and baking soda. We loved hearing it fizz and bubble a little or a lot depending on how much we added! Next week we will return to our pets study and learn about the foods pets eat! Have a great weekend!
Beanstalks II
What fun we have been having in class! This week we have been discussing exercise and all about the safety of bike riding. We learned some new songs too! We’ve been singing about the St. Jude’s “Trike-a-Thon”, it’s quite a zippy tune! The children loved the “Freeze Dance”, “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes,” “Move Your Body,” “Shake Your Sillies Out,” among others.
We followed the leader and imitated what exercise move he/she was making. We used big dice with 6 different exercises on it. The children rolled it and followed what it said. The jumping jacks were a little tricky at first but we soon got a handle on them!!! We also had discussions about different types of exercises there were and each child gave their own example, (the answers were all different too!) We then had fun making up our own types of exercises.
Miss Kerry came by each day to talk about the safety of bike riding. We watched a short clip on the smart board about the Trike-A-Thon. We are very excited about this event on Sunday too.
For something new this week, Miss Robin began to integrate the Smart Board in class for a short time every few days. We looked at skeletons of different animals and each child got to guess what it could be and then used their finger to graze over the bones and reveal the picture. We loved it! Different math skills games were played. We did measuring, counting, sorting, and more!!
New dress-up outfits and veterinary kits are a hit here in Beans 2!! Miss Robin became a kitty cat and her paw needed to be fixed and bandaged. We see a few future doctors here!
We’ve been having a blast in Saplings! This week the class learned all about bicycle safety. We discussed the importance of always wearing our helmets while riding our bikes or scooters. We also learned to never ride on the street and to be careful while riding near a driveway. The kids in large group learned hand signals when riding their bikes to let people know when they are stopping or turning left or right. Our story we read this week was Curious George Rides a Bike by H.A.Rey. We continued working on our handwriting skills. Our letter we learned this week was the letter “N”. The kids handwriting skills are really improving!
Pre K 4
The Oaks and the Maples
This week we finished up our investigation into farms and began a new investigation learning about pets. We discussed what type of animal can be a house pet and what type of care a house pet needs. The children enjoyed the Dr. Seuss book “What Pet Should I Get?” This week’s journal entry was done in the form of a Pet Research. The children wrote about what pet they would like, what it ate, where it lived and what type of care it needed. This week’s math lessons included graphing goldfish by color, sorting animals by size and creating patterns using dot markers.
During our group time, the children have been learning about bicycle safety in preparation for the upcoming trike-athon, happening this Sunday.