November News: Week of November 15th
- All children ages 6 months and older are required to get their annual flu shot no later than December 30th. Please submit proof of receipt to the office as soon as your child receives their vaccine.
- Sproutlings will close early at 3:00 this upcoming Wednesday, November 24 and we will be closed Thursday, November 25th and Friday, November 26th for Thanksgiving weekend.
- For a list of all closures, including the 2022 calendar, please visit our website.
Current Travel Policy:
For unvaccinated individuals who travel outside of our immediate region (NJ, NY, CT, PA, DE) for a period of time greater than 24 hours, the individual must:
-Get tested with a PCR test 3-5 days after travel AND stay home and self-quarantine for a full 7 days after travel before returning to school
-Even if the individual tests negative, they must stay home and self-quarantine for the full 7 days
-If the individual does not get tested, they must stay home and self-quarantine for 10 days after travel before returning to school
- Please submit your child’s negative PCR test to sproutlings.info@gmail.com
prior to having your child return to Sproutlings or keep your child home for a full 10 days if you choose not to test them. - *For children in our Kindergarten and After Care programs, please consult with the New Providence School District as we will honor their protocols and procedures regarding travel.
Peapods I
This week we’re getting ready for our first Thanksgiving. Ms Lu read Thanksgiving Is For Giving Thanks by Margaret Sutherland and My First Thanksgiving by Tomie de Paola. We love to look at the pictures as Ms Lu reads the stories. Some of us are trying to stack our new cups and others like to bang the cups on the toy shelf making loud noises. We have to be careful when we make loud noises because some of our friends might be sleeping. Quite a few of us are eating new and delicious foods. We’re getting very good at feeding ourselves, if a little messy. Our songs this week were “Humpty Dumpty” and “5 Little Turkeys.”
We would like to wish our families a Happy Thanksgiving .
Peapods II
What a great week like usual! We are getting a lot more familiar with our fall colors. We created an awesome collage filled with fall colors. We made a big mess on the floor. It was so much fun! There was this adorable squirrel we used our dot markers to color. Some of us like to stamp out palms with the dot markers, it’s so funny! The whole class also surrounded a table where we got to color with our egg crayons. Some of us or still working on moving the crayons back and forth instead of just smashing them on the paper.
Our favorite song this week was “The Itsy Bitsy Spider.” Some of us are really good at putting our fingers together and creating the spider like our teachers show us.
Have a great weekend everyone! It’s almost turkey time!!
We had a great start to our week in the Seedlings’ room. We got to celebrate our classmate’s 2nd birthday with cupcakes! We can’t get enough of cupcakes and kept asking for more.
We painted paper plates brown then glued feathers to it to make our turkey. We were thrilled to touch, glue and even blow the feathers. Some of us can’t believe how light they are! We can’t wait to have more projects with feathers.
We had tons of fun coloring vertically and peeling stickers and putting them on our big brown paper. This was great fine motor and gross motor practice! We’re really good at peeling stuff!
During circle time, we sang “Five little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed” and we were more than happy to jump like the monkeys! We read Five Flying Turkeys by Barbara McGrath.
Little Sprouts
It was another great week in the Little Sprouts classroom! We have really been enjoying coloring lately. This week, we even experimented with stencils. We colored different shapes and are practicing their names. We are also getting ready for Thanksgiving. We love learning about Thanksgiving and reading different Thanksgiving themed books.
This week in Beanstalks, we learned the letter “J” and talked about the sound it makes. We learned about Thanksgiving Day or “Turkey Day” as we call it . We discussed everything we are thankful for and our favorite food to eat on Thanksgiving. We made lots of Turkey crafts! We read What is Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving is Here and Five Flying Turkeys. We sang some songs which we always enjoy. We also got to celebrate two birthdays which we loved so much! Our ultimate favorite thing this week was watching a corn dance. Hey Mom and Dad, have you ever seen a corn dance ? We did!
Saplings (Miss Amanda and Miss Pam)
This week has been all about turkeys this week on the Saplings class. We have decorated turkey feathers, made Thankful turkeys and played a number match game with turkey feathers. We also talked a lot about being thankful for our friends and family. We have also enjoyed playing outside whilst the weather is still warm and sunny and music time with Ms. Maddie. Our favorite books this week included 10 Fat Turkeys by Tony Johnston and There was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Turkey by Lucille Colandro.
Pre K 3 (Miss Amelia and Miss Deanna)
We continued our tree study this week exploring foods that grow on trees! When we read A Tree is For… by Judith Bauer Stamper, we learned that not only fruit grows on trees. We learned rubber, maple syrup and chocolate also comes from trees! The kids thought it was so cool that rubber comes from trees. We sorted foods that grow on trees vs. foods that do not. This week we had two favorite books, A Grand Old Tree by Mary Depalma and The Busy Little Squirrel by Nancy Tafuri. In art, we made hand print turkeys to get in the Thanksgiving spirit!
Pre K 4
This week has been all about turkeys this week on the Saplings class. We have decorated turkey feathers, made Thankful turkeys and played a number match game with turkey feathers. We also talked a lot about being Thankful for our friends and family. We have also enjoyed playing outside whilst the weather is still warm and sunny and music time with Ms. Maddie. Our favorite books this week included 10 Fat Turkeys by Tony Johnston and There was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Turkey by Lucille Colandro.