Sproutlings News – April 23, 2018
Get Connected!
The results are in! Our Sproutlings family weekend event, “Sproutlings’ Strollers” will take place on Sunday, May 20th at 3:00 in the afternoon. In an effort to promote healthy living for our young ones, we will be meeting in front of Sproutlings for a community walk. We will end our stroll with some refreshments back at Sproutlings for a meet and greet. This is a great opportunity to get connected with other Sproutlings families! At the event, we will be gathering donations for Moms Helping Moms, a local organization that gives help to families in need. Sproutlings will be collecting diapers as well as baby hygiene products (lotion, bath wash, baby wipes) at the event and the week of May 20th.
*Sproutlings will be marching in the annual New Providence Memorial Day Parade on May 28th. We would love for your family to join us! Email Kerry to RSVP.
This week we were lucky to have been able to get outside a couple of days. It may be the best part of our day. We also celebrated Earth Day. We always recycle our baby food containers and jars. We also made paintings of the earth with our hand prints thanks to Ms Jess. We had great fun bouncing on our giant ball. It’s not easy staying on it though. It seems every week more and more of us are able to use our shape sorter. Our hand/eye coordination keeps getting better every day. We also had fun crawling through our tunnel. It’s always a fun time. Our book this week was Grow It! By Helping Hands and our song was “The A, B, C song.”
This week, we celebrated Earth Day by doing a couple of art projects with the Seedlings. The Seedlings loved be able to see our hand print look like the Earth by putting green and blue paint on it. We made art sensory bags, we put green and blue in a bag then pressed down to look at our creation! We also had a great time celebrating Severin’s birthday by having a party. All the children had a wonderful time. On the beautiful days, we were able to go outside and enjoyed the playground. It was fun teaching the kids how to blow bubbles. During circle time we sang “Today is Monday” and read Recycling! by Jess Stockham.
Little Sprouts
Earth Day was just this past Sunday so Little Sprouts celebrated the wonderful planet we live on! We read The Earth Book by Todd Parr and sang and danced along to “We’ve Got the Whole World in our Hands.” We learned about recycling and some of us helped our teachers recycle in our classroom. For art, we used paper towel rolls and upcycled them into trees! We painted the roll and them our teachers helped us cut out the foliage which we finger painted. We also used shaving cream and food coloring to make our planet. Spring has finally made an appearance so we played outside a lot and as we played we worked on our fine motor skills by shoveling dirt into buckets and our gross motor skills by balancing and hopping off the mushrooms! As always, we had so much fun singing with Miss Karen from Elefante Music and Miss Robin and playing with the ladies from Stretch and Grow!
Nursery 3
In Nursery 3 this week we reviewed the letter F and introduced a new study of 3’rs ( Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). We also discussed various ways we can help recycle here at school and even practiced sorting plastic and paper recyclables. In language/literacy we reviewed the letter F and thought of words that begin with the letter F as well. We also have been working hard on tracing the letter F with crayons and sorting our letter F tub. Our books of the week this week were the “Paper Bag Princess” and “Hush ! A Thai Lullaby”. In Math we did “bottle cap counting” and sorting numbers. Next week we will continue our study of Recycling and review the letter G.
Pre K 3
We wrapped up our study on weather this week in PreK 3. We focused on what tools are used to measure weather. The kids learned that a thermometer is used to measure the temperature of the air and a rain gauge measure the rain fall. We read Earth Day and Biscuits Earth Day Celebration. The kids sang “Oh Mister Sun” hoping to see some sunshine this week! In science we discussed what Earth Day was and came up 10 ways to help the Earth. We also planted marigold seeds for Earth Day with the Nursery 3’s! The kids are very excited to watch the seeds grow into flowers. In math, we measured each other using raindrops. In art, we made rain sticks to celebrate our study on weather. In literacy, we reviewed the sound the letter “D” makes and sorted objects starting with the letter D. PreK-3 had a great week of learning. Next week we are going to be exploring a new study on the phrase, “Reduce, Reuse,Recycle!”
Pre K 4
This week we answered the questions “How do plants root?” and “Do all plants have roots?” We used our magnifying glasses to look at root hairs and learned about surface area. We did an experiment with celery to watch how the plant moves water up its stems into its leaves. We learned that “sea plants” like seaweed and algae are protists and not plants, and simple plants like moss absorb water and nutrients right from their surroundings. We played plant bingo. The class created a snack using different edible parts of plants. We read the story Jack and the Beanstalk, we created paper art based on the story, and used to props to act it out. We focused on “gl” sound words, reviewed our sight words, and wrote about our favorite part of the experiment. Next week we will celebrate Earth Day and all we learned about plants.