Sproutlings News – Week of April 22
- Order Simply Gourmet for the month of May!
- Our Trike-a-thon will be rescheduled for Sunday, June 2nd. Save the date! Sproutlings will be holding a Trike-a-thon to raise money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Please support this wonderful cause and burn a few calories! Children are welcome to bring their bikes, trikes, strollers, scooters and wagons! The event will take place at 3:00 pm. The event will last about an hour. This is a great opportunity to meet other Sproutlings families. Click on the link below to register!
- Sproutlings families will be marching in the New Providence Memorial Parade on Monday, May 27th. This is a great opportunity to meet other families and support the community.
- Sproutlings is always happy to take book donations! If you are doing some spring cleaning and come across any children’s books, please feel free to bring them in!
- A reminder to provide the office with an updated vaccination record whenever your child receives new vaccines. We also accept the printed versions from the online portal. A Universal Health Record is required once a year after your child’s yearly physical.
Peapod I
We have been very lucky to able to get outside and enjoy the warmer weather. It’s always great to be outside. We have been learning to sign the word “more”. As we go along we will add more signing. We’re also learning where our noses are. Pretty soon we should be able to point to it. Some of us are starting to sit by ourselves- such progress! Some are also creeping backwards. It’s getting to be a busy room. We love playing with our different sized balls. We are able to roll and even catch them in our laps. Ms Lu read our book of the weekBiscuit’s Earth Day Celebration by Alyssa Satin Capucilli, and Happy Easter Mouse by Laura Numeroff & Felicia Bond. Ms. Emily has been singing our songs “Sing a Song of Sixpence” and “In Your Easter Bonnet.”
Peapod II
It was a busy week in Peapod II! We love playing with our new tunnel. We are learning how to take turns crawling through it.We love stacking our blocks and knocking them down. This week, we had a few beautiful days outside. We’ve been working on our Mother’s Day gifts. We’re excited to share them! Our song of the week was, “One Little Finger.”
This week in the Seedlings room was a fun one! We had an exciting time playing and learning how to blow bubbles. We know how to do it pretty well by now. It was great that we were able to enjoy our playground while the weather beautiful! The children absolutely love the playground and can’t wait to start exploring the new sandbox. We had fun coloring with our new egg crayons that Miss Kerry got us. We sang “I’m Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee” and read Monday Runday by Nick Sharatt.
Little Sprouts
This week we talked all about Earth Day in the Little Sprouts classroom! We have been looking outside to see if we recognize anything that grows in the earth. We learned about how we can keep our planet clean by recycling, planting trees, shutting the water off while we are washing hands, and much more! We read The Little Seed by Eric Carle. We sang “It’s Raining, It’s Pouring,” “The Green Grass Grows All Around,” and “We Recycle.” Our sensory table had water with sponges in it. We love being able to squeeze the sponges and watch the water trickle out of them! For art, we finger painted with green and blue paint to make the Earth, we made colored paper out of shaving cream and food coloring, and we colored with blue and green crayons! Our highlight of the week was when Mr. Jon gave us a tour of the bus. We all got to sit on the seats and practice buckling ourselves in! We topped it off with a round of “The Wheels on the Bus.”
We can’t wait to see what our coaches from Stretch-N-Grow are going to show us next week, and we can’t wait to sing new songs with Miss Michelle next Wednesday! Next week our theme will be family!
Happy Earth Day from Beanstalks! We answered the question, “How can we reduce, reuse, and recycle?” We learned all about our planet and how special it is! We read I Can Save the Earth by Alison Inches. We learned that doing simple things like turning off lights or recycling can help keep the Earth happy. We practiced our one to one correspondence skill in math by counting wooden pegs. Thanks to everyone who donated supplies. We were able to reuse newspaper to paint the Earth and make magazine collages. We enjoyed seeing how much our flowers are growing! Our strawberries sprouted this week! We’re still waiting for petals to appear on our flowers. Next week, we will learn all about one of our favorite authors, Eric Carle!
Beanstalks II
Happy Friday! This week in Beanstalks II we continued our study on recycling!! We loved sorting the pictures of compost, aluminum, paper, cardboard and plastic. We also discussed and gave examples of different items that belonged in each category.
We had such fun learning about the different types of weather and we even created our very own Weather Wheels. We counted and colored raindrops falling from a cloud, learned about different types of clothes for our Weather Boy Roy, and had fun dressing him up each day!! The class thought it would be “cool” if he wore shades every day. He even sported them in today’s rain!!
The Beans were also introduced to their very own activity mats which covered counting numbers, recognizing letters of the alphabet, finger tracing and writing their names, recognizing colors and matching little colored bears to each shape.
What fun we had singing “Spring is Here” and the “Recycling Song.” Circle time continues with songs about the months of the year, days of the week, dates, name recognition and spelling and various fun songs about colors!!
I’m looking forward to next week to continue our exciting activities in Beanstalks 2!
In Saplings this week we celebrated Earth Day! The kids learned ways to keep our earth clean and healthy. They learned that it is good to plant trees to help the earth. Also, we learned what the 3 R’s stand for. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle are a big part of keeping the earth healthy. Our story we read this week was Earth Day,Birthday! by Maureen Wright. In art we reused newspapers to make the earth. The kids continued working on their handwriting skills. This week they learned how to write the letters “P” and “B”. In math, they sorted bottle caps by colors. Next week we are going to be learning all about Eric Carle. Have a great weekend!
Pre K 4
The Oaks and the Maples
This week in the PreK 4 classrooms, the children worked on rhyming words and sight word recognition. So far the children have added the words “and,” “me,” “my,” “I” and “a” to their word list. We practiced these words by using dice to roll a word and then write it.
The children have been showing interest in simple addition. For example, asking “What does 5 plus 8 equal? “ Given their interest, we have begun to to introduce addition sentences. We also worked on patterning this week using stickers to create different patterns.