Sproutlings classroom

August News: Week of August 22nd

Picture Day

Picture Day is scheduled for Monday, September 26th and Tuesday, September 27th. Portraits will be done by Lifetouch Photography. Once pictures are taken, parents will have the option to order prints or digital copies. Please see below for the schedule:

Monday, September 26:

  • Peapods
  • Peapods II
  • Beanstalks
  • Saplings/PreK 3 (Ms. Pam’s Room)
  • Sibling Portraits

Tuesday, September 27:

  • Seedlings
  • Little Sprouts
  • Pre K 3 (Ms. Amelia’s Room)
  • Pre K 4 (both rooms)

Each child will have their photo taken with a fall themed back drop as well as a portrait.
For children with siblings in the center (excluding Kindergarten), we will try to get all sibling photos taken on Monday. Please dress both of your children accordingly.


Vaccination Records and Universal Health Forms

As always, whenever your child has their annual physical, please request an updated Universal Health Record to submit to the office. These expire yearly and we need current records to submit to the state. Whenever your child receives a vaccination including the Covid-19 vaccine, please request an additional vaccination record from the doctor’s office for Sproutlings.


Friendly Reminder

Sproutlings will be closed on Labor Day – Monday September 5th.





The Peapods are making great strides! Moving around to new places where we have never been able to get to before. Some of us have discovered our crawl through shelf. We love going through it. On our journeys around our room We have discovered our family photos. We just love to see and touch the pictures. Some of us are doing much better with tummy time. We’re even able to reach and grab some toys. It won’t be long before we are also able to move around!

Ms. Laura sang “If You’re Happy and You Know It” and Ms. Lu read A Nap in the Lap by Sarah Wilson.


Peapods II

What an amazing two weeks we had in Peapod 2! We did so many new things and had a blast while doing them! We were introduced to new items during our sensory play time, such as fluffy soft feathers! We thought it was so funny to be tickled with the feathers.

We laughed so much while making foot prints with Ms. Nairah, Ms. KJ, & Ms. Oliviana. We also really enjoyed using markers for the first time during our art time! We also took the time to learn more about the alphabet by reading “A is for Apple” by Tiger Tales. We are amazed at how much we we are learning & growing!

Have a great weekend from Peapod 2 !


We’ve been enjoying the last  weeks of summer and can’t believe that it’s almost  over.  The Seedlings had so much fun playing with the water in our water tables and the splash pad.  But as summer ends, we’re getting ready for fall.

We’ve been enjoying stamping different types of transportation with multiple colors.  We absolutely love our designs even if we can’t tell what they are anymore!!! We’ve also been having lots of fun using the dot art markers and our stickers to make a beautiful mural in our room.  We still keep adding to it and probably will for a while.

During circle time, we sang “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” and read Are you a Cow? by Sandra Boynton.


Little Sprouts

Little Sprouts talked about the weather this week. We painted a sun and made a rain cloud. we had lots of fun singing weather songs and reading books about the weather. Our favorite song this week was “What’s the Weather” Next week we will be having fun talking about farm animals.



This week in Beanstalks, we talked all about ourselves. We talked about what color hair and will color eyes we have. We learned that not everyone looks the same and that’s OK because that makes us all unique and special. Some books that we read were Marvelous Me by Lisa Bullard, Incredible Me by Kathy Appelt, I Like Me! by Nancy Carlson and The Color of Us by Karen Katz. The projects we were worked on were unique as us. We made handprint pictures and mirrors so we could see ourselves and see how different we look from our peers and we created a self portrait –  be sure to take a look at them in the foyer!


Pre K 3 and Saplings

We had an exciting week in PreK-3! We learned all about Zoo animals. We had a special treat on the smart board watching animals at the San Diego zoo! It was so cool seeing the animals and how they live. We learned what zookeepers do at zoos and what animals live at the zoo! Our favorite stories this week, we’re Put me in the Zoo by Robert Lopshine, Animal Strike at the Zoo by Karma Wilson, and Never Play Music Right Next to a Zoo by John Lithgow. We worked on our fine motor skills by ripping paper and making a zebra, sorted animal if they live in water, land or fly. We put baby penguins, tigers and giraffes in number order and fed a monkey bananas with letters. We had a blast learning about the zoo! Next week we’ll be taking a rocket ship to space!


Pre K 4

In Pre K 4 the children have been learning about space as well as dinosaurs. After looking at pictures of constellations the children made their own constellation pictures using star stickers. They also had the opportunity to make  dinosaur pictures using various shapes of construction paper. Favorite theme related books this week were Aliens Love Underpants by Claire Freedman and Ben, We Don’t Eat Our Classmates by Ryan T. Higgins.

The children practiced recognizing their letters by using letter clip cards and placing mini dinosaurs on the letters that matched and by reading the letter, writing it and building it. The children strengthened their fine motor skills by practicing with scissors and gluing dinosaurs in order by their size. We continued to write in our journals while learning to form letters correctly.

The children worked on recognizing numbers and counting by adding mini dinosaurs to a nest, graphing space pictures and counting clip cards.

Next week PreK 4 look forward to learning about zoo animals!