June News: Weeks of May 29 and June 5
St Jude’s Trike-A-Thon
Our 2023 Trike-A-Thon will take place on Sunday, June 4th. Bring your bikes, trikes, scooters and strollers! Even our youngest children can participate in the event! The St. Jude Trike-A-Thon is a fun, service learning program for daycares and preschools that teaches trike and riding toy safety while helping the children of St. Jude. The week leading up to our event, children will be learning all about bike safety in their classrooms.
A link was sent last week to register your family for the event. You do not need to fundraise in order to join us on June 4th. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Friendly Reminder
Sproutlings will close at 4pm on Friday June 9th for PreK 4 Graduation. All children that are not in the PreK 4 classes must be picked up no later than 4pm so we have time to prepare for the graduation ceremony. The parking lot will be closed for pick up at 4pm. Thank you.
The Peapods have been having a lot of fun these past weeks. We like to be silly and make others laugh-including ourselves! We also like to go where we’re not supposed to go because it’s also fun.
We have been busy using our different blocks. We can stack them and some of them fit together with different shapes.
We have really improved with using our “signing “. A few of us use “all done” after eating and diaper changes. We are also signing for “hand washing”.
Music is such a favorite time for us. We had a great time clapping along to a few songs. Ms. Kiera and Ms. Laura sang many songs for us including the favorite The Wheels On The Bus. Ms. Lu read one of our books titled Shark’s Big Surprise by A.H. Benjamin.
Peapods II
We can’t believe how quickly time is flying and that this week is June! Time truly flies when you’re having fun. The Peapods II class have been very busy learning about insects and ocean life. These were two very fun themes.
We sang one of favorite songs “Baby Bumble Bee” and made squished bumbled bees using construction paper, tissue paper, and pipe cleaners. We loved singing this while doing the project.
We also have a new favorite book entitled “Hello, World! Ocean Life” by Jill McDonald. We love learning about all the fish and animals in the deep blue sea. We’ve been enjoying our time outside. Our favorite spot to play is inside the play house.
During insect week, we found an inch worm! We were very curious about it and some of us even held it. We used gentle hands and put the worm in a safe place. We can’t wait to see what June has in store for us!
The Seedlings have had such a great time these past two weeks. Miss Paige returned to our classroom after her surgery and everyone is so happy for her to be back!
We’ve been getting really great at the pop and locks manipulatives. Some of us can make a necklace and we’re so proud of ourselves. We love being able to wear them! In the playground, we’ve been using the ramp on the structure to climb up and say “I did it!”. The Seedlings have also been stepping on one mushroom to next sometimes a friend holds our hands to make it easier. We love teamwork!
We sponge painted bumblebees with yellow paint. Everyone thought it was a lot of fun not using a paint brush and the bumblebees go along with one of favorite songs, “I Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee.”
During circle time, we read I Like Trains by Philemon Sturges and sang the “Wheels on the bus”.
Little Sprouts
Little Sprouts enjoyed making fish and learning all about ocean life! We had fun using dot markers to make our fish. The children loved making music with the instruments, playing with the parachute, and using our listening ears to play Simon says!
We loved getting our silly’s out by dancing to the jellyfish song. During circle time we enjoyed singing our Good Morning song and talking about the weather. We also talked about all the sea creatures that live in the ocean.
Our favorite book to read was Clark the Shark by Bruce Hale. During centers we enjoyed building with magnets, working on our colors by sorting bears, doing color puzzles, and playing with the trains.
The Beanstalks have been having lots of fun outside in the playground enjoying the beautiful weather. We have painted and made puffy paint ice cream cones. At circle time we are practicing recognizing the letters in our names and are getting very good at it. We can’t wait to see what fun next week brings.
Beanstalks II
Last week we learned all about ocean life. We learned about different animals that live in the ocean and why the ocean is so salty. Books we read last week include Pout Pout Fish by Deborah Diesen and The Bravest Fish by Mark Buckingham. We focused on counting and did some fun art projects.
This week was space week. We had so much fun learning about the different planets and everything space!! We focused on using scissors and the letters in our name when we made a fun art project – a name rocket ship! We are so excited to see what the next two weeks will bring us in our learning.
Pre K 3
Pre K 3 continued to dive into learning about insects.
Last week, we learned about insect houses. During small group, we match shape bees to the same shape house. The children counted bugs in a jar and made a creepy crawly painting from bugs feet. They also hunted for letter bugs and worked on patterns.
This week, we discussed the lifecycles of different insects (ants, butterflies and ladybugs). We created a caterpillar with the letters of our name, counted ants on logs, and did a bug scavenger hunt. We spoke about symmetry by painting one half of a butterfly and closed his wings to decorate the other wing.
Pre K 4
In PreK 4, the children learned about the ocean and dinosaurs over the past two weeks. We learned about the layers of the ocean and the different animals that live there — the animals that live in the midnight layer are so creepy! Many of us knew a lot about dinosaurs but we were excited to learn about paleontologists and the important work they do so we can learn even more about dinosaurs. Our favorite books were Commotion in the Ocean by Giles Andreae and Fossil by Fossil: Comparing Dinosaur Bones by Sara Levine.
We have been working on all kinds of math concepts like simple addition, creating and extending patterns, and nonstandard measurement. We also have worked on identifying and writing numbers up to 20.
In our journals, we wondered what it would be like if dinosaurs still roamed the earth and what they would do if they were animals that lived in the ocean. The children practiced recognizing and writing lowercase letters, counting syllables, and rhyming words. We have completed our Handwriting Without Tears unit so we are now reviewing lowercase letters.
This week we are learning about camping and practicing for our graduation — we’re so excited!