July News: Week of July 24th and 31st
Week of July 24th and 31st
Moms Helping Moms Donations
Thank to everyone who has donated. We have taken a second box of donations to the Moms Helping Moms warehouse in Warren.
Friendly Reminders
For safety reasons please do not let your child run ahead of you and leave the building when you pick up. It is not safe for them to leave the building unaccompanied as the exit is so close to our parking lot.
Universal Health Forms and Updated Vaccine Records
We are required to have both an updated Universal Health Record and an up to date vaccine record on file for all the children in our care. Please ask your doctor for updated vaccine records when your child a vaccine. The Universal Health record is updated on a yearly basis when your child has their annual physical.
The Peapods have been having so much fun. We’ve been finger painting with Ms Kiera. We all love the feeling of paint on our hands and sometimes feet! We hope you enjoy our creations.
We continue to enjoy our musical instruments. It certainly gets noisy in our room!
Some of us had fun “crawling“ through our tunnel. We love when we are cheered on.
Ms. Kiera sang “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” and Ms. Lu read Sharks by Carol K. Lindeen.
Peapods II
Over the last few weeks we’ve been getting to know and learn about each other. While some of us are still crawling, others are taking their first steps and we are so proud of them. We’ve been using dot paint as an introduction to art projects and we love it. We get so excited when we see the paint come out. We love singing songs and dancing together. As always, water play is a big hit and we are enjoying getting some fresh air while splashing in the splash pad or playing in the water table. We can’t believe how quick the summer is going, but we are so excited to see what August will bring!
We’ve had such an amazing time in Seedlings! We can’t get enough of our water play days and luckily, those days have been a great way to beat the heat. The Seedlings love the splash pad and aren’t afraid to jump right in! They’re having wonderful time exploring with the water and, learning how to share spaces and the special water toys!
The Seedlings loved that Miss Amanda and Miss Paige were able to bring in their extra rolls of giant bubble wrap for us to have fun with. It’s great that we were able to tape it down to the floor and jump on the huge bubbles. Some of us weren’t expecting the loud sound it made but eventually joined in on the action. We had so much fun jumping all of our energy out! We even took our trucks and cars and decided to roll over the bubbles too!
We have also been doing some art work too. We loved making ice cream cones with Miss Paige using our dot art markers. Other projects we are working on include making jelly fish to decorate our room. One of favorite activities is to use our crayons and stickers to decorate the giant brown paper that have on the wall in our room.
During circle time, we’ve been singing “500 Ducks” and reading Are you a Cow? by Sandra Boynton.
Little Sprouts
Little Sprouts had so much fun learning about seashells, boats, pirates and mermaids! We enjoyed using dot art makers to make our own pictures of a pirate ship and we had fun fingering painting and mixing the different colors to make new ones. During centers we enjoyed playing with play-dough and using cookie cutters to make different shapes, we also liked playing with the keys and organizing them by color and size as well as doing puzzles. We enjoyed dancing around to “Sailors, Pirates, and Mermaids”, and singing “10 Little Seashells” and “Row, Row, Row your Boat!”
During circle time we enjoyed singing our Good Morning song and talking about the weather. We loved reading Goodnight Seashells by Adam Gamble and Goodnight Boats by Adam Gamble. Our favorite part of the week was playing with the parachute! We loved putting the beach ball in the middle and seeing how high it would go when we shook it.
I hope you all have had a good three weeks because we sure have! We’ve done a lot of painting from footprints to fishes, we’ve been thrilled at all the messy fun we’ve had. We are still so enamored by both water play and Stretch-N-Grow, sometimes it’s all we talk about in the mornings! We also just had our first fire drill as Beanstalks! The loud noise was a little scary but we were all so brave and did an awesome job following directions. We now love to point out all the fire alarms in the classrooms and hallways. As always, have a safe and happy weekend, and we’ll see you Monday!
Beanstalks II
Beanstalks II have been busy over the last few weeks! Shark week was so much fun we learned about lots of different sharks. During carnival week we sorted clowns noses and used our fine motor skills to pick up popcorn and we even made our very own popcorn buckets! This week is dinosaur week. We made a stegosaurus using our names this helped us start learning how to spell our name, we counted and began to learn how to recognize our numbers and we are even learning how to use scissors. We are looking forward to seeing what the next weeks bring.
PreK 3
During the last two weeks, Pre K 3 has been discussing the ocean, the beach and sea animals.
We found letters on star fish and used our fine motor skills to clip a clothes pin to it. The children also practiced counting with sand castles and sea animals. We practiced holding our crayons correctly while coloring some beautiful pictures. The children water color painted a pretty sea shell and created a wiggly jellyfish. We also painted a sea horse with bubble wrap!
PreK 4
During the past two weeks in Pre-K 4, the children learned about birds, pirates and mermaids. We learned about the types of nests birds create and why pirates wear eyepatches! We also talked about different species of birds and noted their similarities and differences. Our favorite books were There’s a Bird on My Head by Mo Willems and Stegosaurus Would Not Make a Good Pirate by Thomas Kingsley Troupe.
We have also introduced many of the major concepts we will learn throughout the year. This includes letter and number recognition, practicing handwriting, creating and extending patterns, and more.
With our writing prompts, we wondered what birds use to create nests and what we would like to find in a treasure chest. We are so creative with our responses!
We have been enjoying all of our fun summer activities like swimming class and water play. As always, we have so much fun during Stretch and Grow as well! Have a great weekend!