Sproutlings News-March 26, 2018
-Please order new SIMPLY GOURMET for the month of April!
-Visit the bottom of the newsletter for weekly Early Childhood articles and resources. Printed copies of these articles are available upon request.
-Any time your child receives new vaccines, please request an updated vaccination report from your pediatrician to give to Kerry in the office. A new Universal Health form is required after each yearly physical. Blank copies are available in the lobby.
This past week we painted colorful eggs to decorate our windows. We love all the pretty colors. We also had some matzo. Some of us enjoy crunchy food.
We’ve been doing a lot of dancing ?. We may have to put on a show for everyone to show off our moves! We have also been building with our blocks. We are very good at making stacks, then knocking them down. During music we’ve been learning new nursery songs. Music is such a favorite activity for us. This week we read You’re My Little Bunny by Claire Freeman and Gavin Scott, and our song was Here Comes Peter Cottontail. We wish our families a Joyous Passover and a Happy Easter.
We had a great time in the Seedlings room this week. We had fun painting with forks and red paint. It was great to see the different designs that we were able to make. We had an exciting time playing with tissue paper in the sensory table. Some of us thought it would be better to throw to make it look like it was raining. That was a lot of fun! We also had a fantastic time dyeing eggs. It was exciting to pick out what colors that we wanted and watched everyone one else too. It entertaining to see the finished product with all vibrant colors. We would like to thank the parents that volunteered to bring in boiled eggs. We also enjoyed tasting matzo. It was crunchy and delicious!
During circle time we sang “The Wheels On the Bus” and read Rain! By Linda Ashman
Little Sprouts
We had a blast in Little Sprouts this week! Many of us celebrate a holiday this weekend whether it’s Easter or Passover. Our book for the week was The Very Quiet Cricket by Eric Carle and we sang “Hot Potato” by The Wiggles. We watched a presentation about the foods we eat during Passover led by Miss Robin and we even tried matzo! We also decorated eggs! We had a great time picking the color we wanted and seeing how the white egg changed into vibrant colors. Little Sprouts also had so much fun during our Easter egg hunt! We searched high and low around the playground for the eggs the Easter Bunny had hidden. We enjoyed dressing up this week and working on our fine motor skills by opening and closing plastic Easter eggs. As always, we loved learning new songs with Miss Karen from Elefante Music and Miss Robin and exercising with Stretch and Grow!
Happy Spring everyone! It’s hard to believe we are at the end of March already. March was filled with lots of learning and fun. This week in Beanstalks we celebrated Easter and Passover. A special thank you to our parents for bringing in eggs for us to dye. Our friends really enjoyed dyeing their Easter eggs. On Thursday, we had an egg hunt on the playground! On Friday we had a special presentation on Passover with Ms. Robin. We learned all about the various foods people eat to celebrate Passover and even tasted Matzo. In art this week we painted “Spring Flowers,” decorated our Easter bags, colored a Seder plate and dyed eggs !!! It was a busy but fun filled week.
Our focus this week was weather and the letter Z. We made Zebras out of the letter Z. In math we introduced the number 9 and played our “puddle jumping” game where we jumped nine times on the number 9.
Nursery 3
We have been very busy working on our cutting skills. We have been practicing cutting various textures as well as curved and straight lines. We studied the letter Z, coming up with words that start with Z. Next week we will continue our study of weather and review the letter L.
Pre K 3
In PreK-3 this week we had a blast! Can’t believe the month of March is coming to an end! This week we started our study on weather. We played a weather matching game. We read Rain Rain Go Away and Split Splat. We also introduced the new letter of the week which was “Z”. We learned the sound the letter “Z” makes and came up with words that have the letter “Z” in it. In art we turned our letter Zs into zebras. On Wednesday we had an Easter egg hunt. The kids had a great time finding the eggs on the playground. We also learned about Passover. Ms.Robin taught us about the Passover Seder plate and what is on it. In art, we dyed Easter eggs! They came out awesome. We also said goodbye our friend Van who is moving away. We are going to miss him very much!
It was a great week of learning in PreK 3. We hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Pre K 4
This week we concluded our study on weather. We reviewed snow, wind, rain, the water cycle, and extreme weather conditions. The class made rain sticks. They designed the exterior and used their measuring skills to fill each one with one cup of rice to create rain sounds. We painted puffy clouds with the special puffy paint we made using shaving cream and glue. We introduced sight words on, are, as and added them to our sight word wall. We also learned about Easter and Passover. We created Easter basket bags for our egg hunt on the playground. We dyed and decorated Easter eggs. We learned about how families celebrate Easter. Ms. Robin came to teach us a lesson on the Passover Seder plate. We got to taste some matzo and it was a huge hit! Next week we will begin our study on plants.
Early Education Articles and Resources for Families:
Ten Tips- Kid Friendly Veggies and Fruits
Kid’s Health- Taking Care of your Teeth
What Doctors Wish Parents of Toddlers Knew
*Printed copies of the weekly articles and resources are available upon request